
  • McLaughlin Cabrera posted an update 2 days, 11 hours ago

    Evaluating health-related applications is necessary for their adequacy and dissemination in society. The GestAção application was evaluated based on the opinion of 13 pregnant women followed up in prenatal care consultations at three public health services and at a private institution in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Data emerged from an evaluation carried out from June to December 2017, including semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed from content analysis in thematic and semiotic modality. Thus, the theme “meanings attributed to the application by pregnant women” emerged, which is associated with the following cores of meaning provision of safe and diverse information; possibility of changing behavior and motivations for using the application. read more It is considered that semiotics allowed to understand the meanings attributed to the application from the interaction of pregnant women with the tool. The GestAção application was considered satisfactory, motivating to use, informative, safe and promoter of changes in the context of gestational health. Participants’ views allow the evaluated technology to compose strategies aimed at promoting health care for pregnant women.A pedagogical activity with Master’s Degree and Postgraduate students in Maternal Health and Obstetrics Nursing is described, applying principles of simulated practice in perineal suturing after delivery. This procedure causes a lot of insecurity and generates great anxiety in the students, when they start the internship in a delivery room.

    to develop the psychomotor skills in students for perineal surgical reconstruction; increase students’ self-confidence to perform the procedure.

    qualitative, with 2 moments of data collection applied to two courses. Questionnaire with open questions, focus group session and filming. Content analysis of the answers to the questions and verbatim of the focus group.

    a close relationship was observed between simulation and skills development.

    the students emphasized the importance of the pedagogical activity in the acquisition of suturing skills, improving their self-confidence and reducing the initial anxiety. The use of the qualitative research allowed identifying the impact of the simulated practice on the development of the students’ skills and to identify aspects to be improved, contributing to the progress of pedagogical practices.

    the students emphasized the importance of the pedagogical activity in the acquisition of suturing skills, improving their self-confidence and reducing the initial anxiety. The use of the qualitative research allowed identifying the impact of the simulated practice on the development of the students’ skills and to identify aspects to be improved, contributing to the progress of pedagogical practices.Becoming a father requires a process of personal development, inner reorientation, and adaptation to a new role. The literature on this process has been sparse, devaluing how challenging and problematic the transition to becoming a father can be. This qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study sought to understand the experiences of men in the transition to fatherhood during the prenatal period. It included a sample of 10 men experiencing, for the first time, a partner’s pregnancy. The data collection technique used was semi-structured interviews. The content analysis technique with semantic categorization and an inductive approach was used to analyze the data. As a result, 3 topics emerged “experiencing the transition,” “development of the father identity” and “(de)constructing bridges for the transition”. This study deepens the understanding of this developmental transition and challenges the restructuring of prenatal care towards the inclusion of the father figure.Health education must be seen as an instrument used to promote quality of life. The objective of this study was to evaluate health education practices of nutritionists in a municipal health network. This is a qualitative study using Grounded Theory. Interviews and observation of educational activities were carried out. The use of materials was evaluated, together with attempts to engage the service users. Five analysis categories were applied. The intention of raising awareness and changing habits highlights the preference of professionals toward actions that are articulated and consistent with reality. Productivity valorization, insufficient training, and lack of physical structure were mentioned as restrictions. Most respondents did not evaluate results; they believe in sharing knowledge as a process that transforms reality; and defend the multidisciplinary approach and care by putting the concepts of integrality and equity into practice. The nutritionists’ concepts of health education guide their professional performance, as they reflect the perspectives of the educational practices adopted.The study analyses the understanding of parents or guardians of children aged zero to five years old about fever, the conduct and care for this condition, carried out in the urgent and emergency service. The qualitative research, which used the thematic analysis technique, was carried out through interviews with 14 parents or guardians who sought an urgent and emergency Pediatric Service in a municipality in the countryside of São Paulo for this reason. The experiences of parents who seek these services are associated to three main topics fear of fever; care for a febrile child; and the experience of care at the urgent and emergency services. It was identified that an exaggerated fear of fever predominates and that parents / guardians feel safe regarding the existing technology found in urgent and emergency services. The adopted precautions, however, are not always those recommended for the existing situation.

    To understand the meaning of the experiences of children living in a shelter through therapeutic play.

    Descriptive, qualitative study, carried out in a non-governmental philanthropic shelter located in the city of Santos (SP) – Brazil. The sample was composed of five children between four and 11 years old, who agreed to participate in the study and were also authorized by their legal guardian. Observation during a dramatic therapeutic play session was the strategy used for data collection. Data were analyzed using Bardin’s content analysis technique.

    Six categories emerged from the data, highlighting aspects of the child’s daily life in the shelter and at school, as well as the nostalgia for family and the way they deal with fear in the shelter. It is also worth mentioning the constant attempt to obtain the approval of the adult and the contentment experience while playing with this adult.

    The therapeutic play allowed the children to reflect on their experiences and have moments of catharsis. For the adult, it was possible to understand how it is to live in a shelter and the challenges faced by the children in this context.