
  • Rasmussen Crane posted an update 2 days, 11 hours ago

    A single shot large-capacity optical multiple-image encryption method based on wavelength multiplexing and position multiplexing is proposed. In the encryption process of the proposed method, multiple plane waves of different wavelengths are adopted to illuminate secret images that are placed at different positions along the optical axis. All the secret images are encoded into a single grayscale intensity-only image that is recorded by a monochromic camera by applying a diffractive-imaging based double random phase encoding (DRPE) system. In the decryption process, high accuracy images are decrypted without crosstalk from the intensity image through a multimode phase retrieval algorithm and a two-step iterative shrinkage/thresholding (TwIST) algorithm. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by numerical simulations.We present an optical architecture for a scanning lidar in which a digital micromirror device (DMD) is placed at an intermediate image plane in a receiver to decouple the trade-offs between scan angle, scan speed, and aperture size of the lidar’s transmitter and receiver. In the architecture, the transmitter with a galvo mirror and the receiver with a DMD scan the horizontal and vertical fields of view, respectively, to enable an increased field of view of 50°, centimeter transmitter beam diameter, and video frame rate range finding captures. We present our optimized system and discuss the adjustable parameter trade-offs.A novel Rayleigh noise suppression method is proposed to improve temperature accuracy and resolution for Raman distributed fiber-optics sensors. The proposed temperature demodulation method can eliminate temperature measurement inaccuracy caused by Rayleigh noise. The experimental results indicate that the temperature accuracy is optimized from 6.2°C to 1.7°C at a sensing distance of 9.1 km by using the proposed method, and the temperature resolution leads to about 1.5°C improvement compared with the tradition demodulation method at a sensing distance of 10.0 km. The proposed method provides a robust and reliable high performance for long sensing ranges.A high-precision microdisplacement sensor based on zeroth-order diffraction of a single-layer optical grating is reported. Laser grating interference occurs when part of the laser is reflected diffraction by the grating and another part is vertically reflected back by a mirror and diffracted again by the grating, thus generating optical interferometric detection. For the purpose of obtaining the optimal contrast of the optical interferometric detection, the duty cycle of the grating and the orders of diffraction were optimized by the diffraction scalar theory. The microdisplacement sensor demonstrates a sensitivity of 0.40%/nm, a resolution of 0.6 nm, and a full-scale range of up to 100 µm. This work enables a high-performance displacement sensor, and provides a theoretical and technical basis for the design of a displacement sensor with an ultracompact structure.A bidirectional tuning mechanism of whispering gallery modes (WGMs) in a capillary-based microbubble microresonator infiltrated with magnetic fluids (MFs) is investigated. Owing to distinct RI responses of MFs dependent on the applied magnetic field direction with respect to the capillary axis, the RI of MFs shows different variation trends when an external magnetic field is parallel or perpendicular to the capillary axis. Experimental results indicate that WGM resonance dips exhibit wavelength shift in inverse directions for the above two cases, which is in accordance with our theoretical analysis on different refractive variation behaviors of MFs. As the applied magnetic field is perpendicular or parallel to the capillary axis, the WGM resonance wavelength tuning sensitivities tend to be $ – 15.01\;\rm pm/mT$-15.01pm/mT and 6.3 pm/mT, respectively. Our proposed WGM tuning scheme has several desirable advantages, including bidirectional tunability, high Q-factor, ease of fabrication, and good compatibility with functional materials, making it a promising candidate in the field of magnetic field vector sensing and magnetically manipulated micro-optic devices.In this paper, we propose and demonstrate ultrafast Te nanorods as a saturable absorber (SA) for producing mode locking from an erbium-doped fiber laser for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The Te nanorods were fabricated by a simple green chemical method with energy conservation and without a purification process. The morphology and structure measurements confirm uniform Te nanorods with a constant aspect ratio. The synthesized SA has a saturation intensity and modulation depth of $25.44\, \rm MW/cm^2 $25.44MW/cm2 and 4%, respectively. By integrating the proposed SA into an erbium-doped all fiber-based ring cavity, the mode-locked fiber laser was readily generated. The conventional soliton pulses of $3.56\;\rm ps$3.56ps pulse width were obtained at 1566.7 nm central wavelength and a pulse repetition rate of 1.87 MHz. GPCR inhibitor The results show that the moderate saturable-absorption characteristics of Te nanorods have superior performance in the ultrafast optics field, which is eligible in many applications, such as optical communications.In this paper, we put forward a new application in optical data storage (ODS) of tetraphenylethene (TPE)-doped photopolymer, which has an aggregation-induced emission attribute. The photopolymer host reacted with the excitation light at the focal point of a high numerical-aperture lens to enhance the fluorescence intensity mainly because of the function of the $\rm Zn^2 + $Zn2+ ion. We recorded data inside the photopolymer matrix by using this property and had distinct fluorescence intensity contrast between the photochemical regions and other regions. This attribute paves a new way for superresolution ODS and opens the way to exploring the possibility of utilizing TPE-doped photopolymers as chemical sensors in the future.Analysis of spatial frequency of Mueller matrix (MM) images in the Fourier domain yields quantifying parameters of anisotropy in the stromal region in normal and precancerous tissue sections of human uterine cervix. The spatial frequencies of MM elements reveal reliable information of microscopic structural organization arising from the different orientations of collagen fibers in the connective tissue and their randomization with disease progression. Specifically, the local disorder generated in the normal periodic and regular structure of collagen during the growth of the cervical cancer finds characteristic manifestation in the Fourier spectrum of the selected Mueller matrix elements encoding the anisotropy effects through retardance and birefringence. In contrast, Fourier spectra of differential polarization gated images are limited to only one orientation of collagen. Fourier spectra of first row elements M11, M12, M13, and M14 and first column elements M11, M21, M31, and M41 discriminates cervical inter-epithelial neoplasia (CIN)-I from normal cervical tissue samples with 95%-100% sensitivity and specificity.