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Background Youth is considered as a healthy period but their health is greatly influenced by the hostile living conditions in the slums. When this is accompanied by poor health infrastructure, health risk escalates multiple times. Objectives The objective was (1) to study the health problems of the male youth living in the slums and (2) to study the availability and utilization of health services for the male youth living in the slums. Subjects and Methods Study design Cross-sectional study. Study population Male youth (15-24 years). Study settings Four urban slums of Amritsar city. Study period January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017. Sample size One thousand male youths. Inclusion criteria Male youth (15-24 years) with consent. Exclusion criteria Male youth (15-24 years) not given consent, not available at home on the third repeat visit, and mentally unstable or deaf or dumb. Results The morbidity pattern showed that 47.5% suffered from any disease during the past 3 months and 3.3% were hospitalized in the past 1 year. Majority of the cases were due to diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal system. Private health sectors including chemist shops were utilized more in case of both outpatient (88.9%) and inpatient services (57.6%) as compared to public health sector. The private health facilities were within 500 m from majority (89.6%) of households in the slums of Amritsar city. Conclusions Primary health care needs to be strengthened in the slums. Effective and easily accessible health-care services should be provided by the government at the doorsteps of slum households. The Information Education Communication/Behavior Change Communication activities regarding disease prevention should be strengthened to promote and protect good health. Copyright © 2020 International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research.Introduction Touch imprint cytology (TIC) and frozen section diagnosis are valuable intraoperative guides for the management of malignancies as they make a prompt therapeutic decision that may prevent surgical re-intervention. The present study emphasizes on the correlation of TIC and frozen section for the evaluation of surgical margins considering histopathological diagnosis as the gold standard. Aim The aim of the study was to assess the accuracy of frozen section diagnosis and TIC in the evaluation of surgical margin clearance. Materials and Methods It is a prospective analytical study of 103 patients carried in the histopathology section of department of pathology for 1 year from July 2017 to July 2018. Rilematovir datasheet Specimens were received in the frozen section room, grossed by the standard protocol. Touch imprints of margins were taken, and frozen sections were stained by rapid hematoxylin and eosin stain. The same margins were sent for permanent histopathology sections. Results Of 103 patients, 51 (49.51%) were orasearch.Objective Gender-based serologic differences for nonstructural protein 1(NS1) antigen (Ag) and IgM antibody (Ab) detection have been reported among cases of dengue in few studies. However, to understand its distribution with patient’s gender and their demographic profile, this study is designed to fill the gaps in the available gender based data, and is the first from this region. Materials and Methods A total of 4252 blood samples were collected aseptically during the outbreaks of 2016-17. Serum was separated and processed for dengue ELISA (NS1Ag and IgM Ab). All the relevant clinical data and variables such as gender and their demographic profile were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results A total of 978 (23%) patients were found seropositive either by NS1 Ag or IgM Ab ELISA. The proportion of male was higher than female among all seropositive cases, with the ratio of (MF) 1.541 (P less then 0.0001). The males were predominately more affected compared to females among rural (P = 0.001) and semi-urban (P = 0.016) areas. The positive NS1 (P = 0.004) and IgM (P = 0.0001) both results were significantly associated with male gender. Conclusion Every case of dengue must be screened for NS1Ag and IgMAb to increase the diagnostic precision, despite the males being more affected as compared to females due to sociocultural differences. Copyright © 2020 International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research.Aims Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most commonly seen congenital heart diseases prevalent today. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of transcatheter closure of hypertensive ductus at long-term follow-up. Materials and Methods Transcatheter closure was attempted in 52 patients with hypertensive ductus arteriosus. A lateral or right anterior oblique view aortogram was done to locate and delineate PDA. All the patients underwent clinical examination, electrocardiography, chest X-rays, and echocardiography before discharge and at 1, 6, and 12 months after the procedure and yearly thereafter. Results The mean age of patients at procedure was 7.98 ± 4.79 (11 months-17 years), and the mean weight was 17.72 ± 10.81 (4-47) kg. Transcatheter closure of hypertensive ductus was successful in 50 (96.15%) patients. The mean preprocedural pulmonary artery pressure was 81.38 ± 17.31 (range 55-113) mmHg which decreased to 29.65±8.63 (19-38) mmHg at follow up. The most commonly used device was Amplatzer duct occluder in 63% of the patients followed by Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect occluder in 37% of the patients. There were two procedural failures, namely aortic obstruction and left pulmonary artery stenosis, which were managed uneventfully. There were no procedural deaths or device embolization. At median follow-up of 86 months, all the patients are well with no complications. Conclusion The long-term results suggested that transcatheter closure of PDA with severe pulmonary hypertension in pediatric patients is safe and effective with minimal complications. Copyright © 2020 International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research.Purpose Organic selenium compound such as selenomethionine plays a significant function in the response to oxidative stress. Saccharomyces cerevisiae have the ability to accumulate selenium and selenium biotransformation. Selection of indigenous selenium tolerant yeast is our goals. The relationship between cell growth and selenium biotransformation was also investigated. Methods The screening of the yeast cell was carried out at two steps in order to select yeast with high capacity for resistance and accumulation of selenium. The isolates were selected according to produced high biomass at different concentrations of selenium. Secondly, best yeast strains from previous step were grown in presence of 25 mg/L of sodium selenite and organic selenium content was measured. Results The S17 isolate showed had maximum organic selenium accumulation (2515 ppm) and biomass production (2.73 g/L) compared to the other isolates. The biomass production and organic selenium accumulation of the S17 during 120 hours was shown a direct relationship between growth and biotransformation.