Cullen Crabtree posted an update 1 week, 5 days ago
Primary hyperparathyroidism is a hormonal disorder whose prevalence is approximately 1-2% in the United States of America. The disease has become more recognizable to clinicians in an earlier phase and, at present, patients can be diagnosed with “classic”, “normocalcemic”, “normohormonal”, or “mild, asymptomatic” primary hyperparathyroidism. Surgery, with a focused parathyroidectomy when possible, or a four-gland exploration, is the only way to cure the disease. Cell Cycle inhibitor Cure is determined by use of intra-operative parathyroid hormone monitoring with long-term cure rates ranging from 90-95%. Newer adjuncts to surgery include CT or PET imaging and near-infrared immunofluorescence. This article highlights updates in parathyroid disease and advances in parathyroid surgery; it does not provide a comprehensive summary of the disease process or a review of surgical indications, which can be found in the AAES guidelines or NIH Symposium on primary hyperparathyroidism. Copyright © 2020 Goldfarb M and Singer FR.Background Ascidians, a tunicate class, use a mitochondrial genetic code that is distinct from vertebrates and other invertebrates. Though it has been used to translate the coding sequences from other tunicate species on a case-by-case basis, it is has not been investigated whether this can be done systematically. This is an important because a) some tunicate mitochondrial sequences are currently translated with the invertebrate code by repositories such as NCBI GenBank, and b) uncertainties about the genetic code to use can complicate or introduce errors in phylogenetic studies based on translated mitochondrial protein sequences. Methods We collected publicly available nucleotide sequences for non-ascidian tunicates including appendicularians such as Oikopleura dioica, translated them using the ascidian mitochondrial code, and built multiple sequence alignments covering all tunicate classes. Results All tunicates studied here appear to translate AGR codons to glycine instead of serine (invertebrates) or as a stop codon (vertebrates), as initially described in ascidians. Among Oikopleuridae, we suggest further possible changes in the use of the ATA (Ile → Met) and TGA (Trp → Arg) codons. Conclusions We recommend using the ascidian mitochondrial code in automatic translation pipelines of mitochondrial sequences for all tunicates. Further investigation is required for additional species-specific differences. Copyright © 2019 Pichon J et al.In the genome of Bombyx mori Linnaeus (1758), the microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (SSR), feature among their particular characteristics a high adenine and thymine (A/T) content, low number of repeats, low frequency, and a grouping in “families” with similar flanking regions. Such characteristics may be the result of a complex interaction between factors that limit the size and dispersion of SSR loci-such as their high association with transposons-and mean that microsatellites within this taxon suitable as molecular markers are relatively rare. The determination of genetic profiles in populations and cell lines has not been affected owing to the high level of polymorphism, nor has the analysis of diversity, structure and genetic relationships. However, the scarcity of suitable microsatellites has restricted their application in genetic mapping, limiting them to preliminary identification of gene location of genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to thermotolerance, resistance to viruses, pigmentation patterns, body development and the weight of the cocoon, the cortex, the pupa and the filament. The review confirms that, as markers, microsatellites are versatile and perform well. They could thus be useful both to advance research in emerging countries with few resources seeking to promote sericulture in their territories, and to advance in the genetic and molecular knowledge of characteristics of productive and biological interest, given the latest technological developments in terms of the sequencing, identification, isolation and genotyping of SSR loci. Copyright © 2019 Trochez-Solarte JD et al.Objective The aim of this work was to investigate whether there are differences in the executive control network (ECN) between patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) before and after deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery and to explore how deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery affects ECN connectivity in patients with PD. Methods Resting-state magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data were obtained from 23 patients with Parkinson’s disease preoperatively (pre-PD) and postoperatively (post-PD) and 14 normal controls (CN). The right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was used as the seed region of interest (ROI) to study the characteristics of the functional connectivity of the ECN in these subjects. Results There were differences in the ECN among PD patients before and after surgery and between the CN. Compared with the CN group, the pre-PD patients showed significantly reduced functional connectivity (FC) between the DLPFC and the left inferior frontal gyrus, left precuneus, left cerebellum posterior lobe, right middle frontal gyrus, right inferior parietal gyrus, right posterior central gyrus, right precuneus, and right inferior frontal gyrus. Compared to the CN group, the post-PD patients showed significantly reduced FC between the DLPFC and left inferior frontal gyrus, left precuneus, left cerebellum posterior lobe, right middle frontal gyrus, right inferior frontal gyrus, and right parietal lobule. There is no difference in the ECN between the pre-PD patients and the post-PD patients. Conclusions The FC of ECN in PD patients was different from that in normal controls, but the FC of the ECN in patients with PD may not be altered by DBS. This suggests that the ECN may be considered an imaging biomarker for the identification of PD but may not be a good imaging biomarker for the evaluation of DBS efficacy. Copyright © 2020 Wenwen Dong et al.There is a high prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, but a Chinese version of cognitive rating scale that is specific and sensitive to PD patients is still lacking. The aims of this study are to test the reliability and validity of a Chinese version of Parkinson’s disease-cognitive rating scale (PD-CRS), establish cutoff scores for diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) and PD with mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI), explore cognitive profiles of PD-MCI and PDD, and find cognitive deficits suggesting a transition from PD-MCI to PDD. PD-CRS was revised based on the culture background of Chinese people. Ninety-two PD patients were recruited in three PD centers and were classified into PD with normal cognitive function (PD-NC), PD-MCI, and PDD subgroups according to the cognitive rating scale (CDR). Those PD patients underwent PD-CRS blind assessment by a separate neurologist. The PD-CRS showed a high internal consistency (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.