
  • Bray Garza posted an update 3 days, 2 hours ago

    An initial exploration of the use of multifrequency EIT to separate temperature and perfusion effects yielded promising results, indicating that temperature reconstruction accuracy can be in the order of 1 ∘C. Our results suggest that EIT can provide valuable real-time HT monitoring capabilities. Experimental confirmation in real-world conditions is the next step.Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-associated neurodegeneration is triggered by different fragments of amyloid beta (Aβ). Among them, Aβ (25-35) fragment plays a critical role in the development of neurodegeneration-it reduces synaptic integrity by disruption of excitatory/inhibitory ratio across networks and alters the growth factors synthesis. Thus, in this study, we aimed to identify the involvement of neurotrophic factors-the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and nerve growth factor (NGF)-of AD-like neurodegeneration induced by Aβ (25-35). Taking into account our previous findings on the neuroprotective effects of the mix of proteoglycans of embryonic genesis (PEG), it was suggested to test its regulatory effect on IGF-1 and NGF levels. To evaluate the progress of neurodegeneration, in vivo electrophysiological investigation of synaptic activity disruption of the entorhinal cortex-hippocampus circuit at AD was performed and the potential recovery effects of PEG with relative structural changes were provided. To uroprotective effects of PEG are likely mediated via the regulation of neurotrophins.Background and Objectives The aim of this study was to compare the differences in compositions of oral and fecal bacterial microbiota between patients with morbid obesity and normal-weight controls. Material and Methods This was a prospective cohort study. The study included group 1 (patients with BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) and group 2 (patients with BMI from 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2). Our endpoint was the analysis of the differences in compositions of oral and fecal microbiota between the groups. Oral swabs and fecal samples were collected from the patients. The analysis of microbiota was conducted using next-generation sequencing. Results Overall, the study included 96 patients; 52 (54.2%) were included in group 1, 44 (39.8%)-in group 2. In group 1, oral microbiota included significantly more bacteria from genera Veillonella, Oribacterium and Soonwooa, whereas, in group 2, Streptobacillus, Parvimonas and Rothia were more common. Fecal microbiota in group 1 included more Bacteroides, Odoribacter and Blautia and group 2 was more abundant in Ruminococcus, Christensenella and Faecalibacterium. Conclusions Both oral and fecal gastrointestinal microbiota differs significantly among patients with severe obesity and lean individuals.Biosecurity advice is an important way veterinarians can help farmers to reduce disease burdens on their farms. Many different factors are at play when delivering this advice, one being veterinary competence and their communication skills. This study looked at the private veterinary practitioners’ perceptions of their own competence to deliver biosecurity advice as part of a longitudinal biosecurity project. SANT-1 Their responses were collected in the form of a telephone questionnaire. The results showed significant increases in private veterinary practitioners’ responses to comfort (p = 0.022), capability (p = 0.002), and consistency (p = 0.006) as well as an increase of uptake of advice (p = 0.015) as the project progressed. The mean time spent delivering biosecurity advice increased and dropped subsequently, suggesting an initially more thorough and later on a more efficient process. The overall perceptions of the veterinarians of the study were also assessed. The results suggest development of the participating veterinarians following the conscious-competence learning model showing a need to improve the knowledge and training of future generations of private veterinary practitioners in the area of biosecurity with, in particular, an increased focus on the importance of the veterinarian-farmer relationship.The design of multimodal imaging nanoplatforms with improved tumor accumulation represents a major trend in the current development of precision nanomedicine. To this end, we report herein the preparation of macrophage (MA)-laden gold nanoflowers (NFs) embedded with ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles (USIO NPs) for enhanced dual-mode computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of tumors. In this work, generation 5 poly(amidoamine) (G5 PAMAM) dendrimer-stabilized gold (Au) NPs were conjugated with sodium citrate-stabilized USIO NPs to form hybrid seed particles for the subsequent growth of Au nanoflowers (NFs). Afterwards, the remaining terminal amines of dendrimers were acetylated to form the dendrimer-stabilized Fe3O4/Au NFs (for short, Fe3O4/Au DSNFs). The acquired Fe3O4/Au DSNFs possess an average size around 90 nm, display a high r1 relaxivity (1.22 mM-1 s-1), and exhibit good colloidal stability and cytocompatibility. The created hybrid DSNFs can be loaded within MAs without producing any toxicity to the cells. Through the mediation of MAs with a tumor homing and immune evasion property, the Fe3O4/Au DSNFs can be delivered to tumors more efficiently than those without MAs after intravenous injection, thus significantly improving the MR/CT imaging performance of tumors. The developed MA-mediated delivery system may hold great promise for enhanced tumor delivery of other contrast agents or nanomedicines for precision cancer nanomedicine applications.Ebolaviruses and marburgviruses are filoviruses that are known to cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates (NHPs). While some bat species are suspected to be natural reservoirs of these filoviruses, wild NHPs often act as intermediate hosts for viral transmission to humans. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we screened two NHP species, wild baboons and vervet monkeys captured in Zambia, for their serum IgG antibodies specific to the envelope glycoproteins of filoviruses. From 243 samples tested, 39 NHPs (16%) were found to be seropositive either for ebolaviruses or marburgviruses with endpoint antibody titers ranging from 100 to 25,600. Interestingly, antibodies reactive to Reston virus, which is found only in Asia, were detected in both NHP species. There was a significant difference in the seropositivity for the marburgvirus antigen between the two NHP species, with baboons having a higher positive rate. These results suggest that wild NHPs in Zambia might be nonlethally exposed to these filoviruses, and this emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring of filovirus infection in wild animals to better understand the ecology of filoviruses and to assess potential risks of outbreaks in humans in previously nonendemic countries.