Brix Torres posted an update 3 days, 3 hours ago
Chiral four-wave mixing signals are calculated using the irreducible tensor formalism. Different polarization and crossing angle configurations allow to single out the magnetic dipole and the electric quadrupole interactions. Other configurations can reveal that the chiral interaction occurs at a given step within the nonlinear interaction pathways. Applications are made to the study of valence excitations of S-ibuprofen by chiral stimulated X-ray Raman signals at the carbon K-edge and by chiral visible 2D electronic spectroscopy.Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in combination with small organic probes present in the solvent have previously been used as a method to reveal cryptic pockets that may not have been identified in experimental structures. We report such a method implemented within the CHARMM force field using the GROMACS simulation package to effectively explore cryptic pockets on the surfaces of membrane-embedded proteins using benzene as a probe molecule. This method, for which we have made implementation files freely available, relies on modified nonbonded parameters in addition to repulsive potentials between membrane lipids and benzene molecules. selleck kinase inhibitor The method was tested on part of the outer shell of the dengue virus (DENV), for which research into a safe and effective neutralizing antibody or drug molecule is still ongoing. In particular, the envelope (E) protein, associated with the membrane (M) protein, is a lipid membrane-embedded complex which forms a dimer in the mature viral envelope. Solvent mapping was performed for the full, membrane-embedded EM protein complex and compared with similar calculations performed for the isolated, soluble E protein ectodomain dimer in the solvent. Ectodomain-only simulations with benzene exhibited unfolding effects not observed in the more physiologically relevant membrane-associated systems. A cryptic pocket which has been experimentally shown to bind n-octyl-β-d-glucoside detergent was consistently revealed in all benzene-containing simulations. The addition of benzene also enhanced the flexibility and hydrophobic exposure of cryptic pockets at a key, functional interface in the E protein and revealed a novel, potentially druggable pocket that may be targeted to prevent conformational changes associated with viral entry into the cell.We report on first-principles quantum-dynamical and quantum-classical simulations of photoinduced exciton dynamics in oligothiophene chain segments, representative of intrachain exciton migration in the poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) polymer. Following up on our recent study (Binder R.; Burghardt, I. Faraday Discuss.2020, 221, 406), multilayer multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree calculations for a short oligothiophene segment comprising 20 monomer units (OT-20) are carried out to obtain full quantum-dynamical simulations at finite temperature. These are employed to benchmark mean-field Ehrenfest calculations, which are shown to give qualitatively correct results for the present system. Periodic boundary conditions turn out to significantly improve earlier estimates of diffusion coefficients. Using the Ehrenfest approach, a series of calculations are subsequently carried out for larger lattices (OT-40 to OT-80), leading to estimates for temperature-dependent mean-squared displacements, which are found to exhibit a near-linear dependence as a function of time. The resulting diffusion coefficient estimates are an increasing function of temperature, whose detailed functional form depends on the degree of static disorder. With a realistic static disorder parameter (σs ≃ 0.06 eV), the diffusion coefficients decrease from D ∼ 1 × 10-2 cm2 s-1 to D ∼ 1 × 10-3 cm2 s-1, in qualitative agreement with experimental data for P3HT. The dynamical scenario obtained from our simulations shows that exciton migration in P3HT-type chains is a largely adiabatic process throughout the temperature regime we investigated (i.e., T = 50-300 K). The resulting picture of exciton migration is a coherent, but not bandlike, motion of an exciton-polaron driven by fluctuations induced by low-frequency modes. This process acquires partial hopping character if static disorder becomes prominent and Anderson localization sets in.Can current simulations quantitatively predict the stability of ribonucleic acids (RNAs)? In this research, we apply a free-energy perturbation simulation of RNAs containing inosine, a modified ribonucleic base, to the derivation of RNA nearest-neighbor parameters. A parameter set derived solely from 30 simulations was used to predict the free-energy difference of the RNA duplex with a mean unbiased error of 0.70 kcal/mol, which is a level of accuracy comparable to that obtained with parameters derived from 25 experiments. We further show that the error can be lowered to 0.60 kcal/mol by combining the simulation-derived free-energy differences with experimentally measured differences. This protocol can be used as a versatile method for deriving nearest-neighbor parameters of RNAs with various modified bases.Analytical gradient theory for the second-order extended multiconfiguration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory (XMCQDPT2), which can be regarded as the multistate version of the multireference second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MRMP2), is formulated and implemented. The theory is similar to the previous analytical gradient theory for MCQDPT2, but we take into account the intruder state avoidance (ISA) technique and the “extension” of the MCQDPT2 theory by Granovsky. Although the (X)MCQDPT2 theory is not invariant with respect to rotations among the active orbitals, the resulting analytical gradients are accurate. We demonstrate the utility of the current algorithm in optimizing the minimum energy conical intersections (MECIs) of ethylene, butadiene, benzene, the retinal model chromophore PSB3, and the green fluorescent protein model chromophore pHBI. The XMCQDPT2 MECIs are very similar to the XMS-CASPT2 MECIs in terms of molecular conformation and the computed energies. We also discuss possible improvements of the current algorithm.