
  • Flindt Pierce posted an update 3 days, 11 hours ago

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease whose motor symptoms are accompanied by an exaggerated power in the alpha-beta (7-35Hz) band and an increased synchronization of neurons encompassing the cortex-basal ganglia-thalamus network. Currently, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is used as an effective therapy for reducing the excessive power and synchrony observed in brain circuits, thereby ameliorating the PD symptoms. In the present study, we used a biologically plausible computational model of cortex-basal ganglia-thalamus network, which represents both healthy and PD conditions, to systematically investigate the effects of DBS frequency on the model outputs. DBS was applied to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) at different stimulation frequencies (40Hz to 300Hz). Spike train variability and spectral power in the 7-35Hz band were measured from the several nuclei represented in the model. In addition, the magnitude squared coherence between the nuclei was assessed. An increased DBS frequency tended to produce interspike intervals (ISIs) with higher variability as compared to PD condition. Also, DBS significantly reduced the alpha-beta power for almost all brain nuclei. The median of the magnitude-squared coherence matrix (which is a metric of global network synchronization) decreased significantly with the increase of DBS frequency.Deep brain stimulation (DBS) involves activation of targeted brain tissue through implantable electrodes to treat neurological disorders. selleck chemicals llc In this study, two novel electrode designs, recessed flat-contact and recessed curvature-contact models were developed where the electrode contacts were recessed to a specified depth to improve directional selectivity. Furthermore, the contact geometry was also modified for the recessed curvature-contact model in order to obtain a hemispherical configuration that will help increase current steering and reduce the propensity of tissue damage. The predicted tissue damage produced by these models were compared to the standard array model using the Shannon tissue damage model criteria. Furthermore, the volume of tissue activated by each of the electrode models was analyzed, and the radial projection relative to the total projection of each geometry was determined as a measure of directional selectivity. Based on the trends observed in the current density, tissue damage, and volume of tissue activated (VTA) analyses, it is inferred that the recessed contact electrode geometries help improve directional selectivity and safety of DBS.Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has evolved to an important treatment for several drug-resistant neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor and dystonia. Despite general effectiveness of DBS, however, its mechanisms of action are not completely understood. Simulations are commonly used to predict the volume of tissue activated (VTA) around DBS electrodes, which in turn helps interpreting clinical outcomes and understand therapeutic mechanisms. Computational models are commonly used to visualize the extend of volume of activated tissue (VTA) for different stimulation schemes, which in turn helps interpreting and understanding the outcomes. The degree of model complexity, however, can affect the predicted VTA. In this work we investigate the effect of volume conductor model complexity on the predicted VTA, when the VTA is estimated from activation function field metrics. Our results can help clinicians to decide what level of model complexity is suitable for their specific need.Several studies have shown that direct brain stimulation can enhance memory in humans and animal models. Investigating the neurophysiological changes induced by brain stimulation is an important step towards understanding the neural processes underlying memory function. Furthermore, it paves the way for developing more efficient neuromodulation approaches for memory enhancement. In this study, we utilized a combination of unsupervised and supervised machine learning approaches to investigate how amygdala stimulation modulated hippocampal network activities during the encoding phase. Using a sliding window in time, we estimated the hippocampal dynamic functional network connectivity (dFNC) after stimulation and during sham trials, based on the covariance of local field potential recordings in 4 subregions of the hippocampus. We extracted different network states by combining the dFNC samples from 5 subjects and applying k-means clustering. Next, we used the between-state transition numbers as the latent features to classify between amygdala stimulation and sham trials across all subjects. By training a logistic regression model, we could differentiate stimulated from sham trials with 67% accuracy across all subjects. Using elastic net regularization as a feature selection method, we identified specific patterns of hippocampal network state transition in response to amygdala stimulation. These results offer a new approach to better understanding of the causal relationship between hippocampal network dynamics and memory-enhancing amygdala stimulation.Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a safe and established treatment for essential tremor (ET). However, there remains considerable room for improvement due to concerns associated with the initial implant surgery, semi-regular revision surgeries for battery replacements, and side effects including paresthesia, gait ataxia, and emotional disinhibition that have been associated with continuous, or conventional, DBS (cDBS) treatment. Adaptive DBS (aDBS) seeks to ameliorate some of these concerns by using feedback from either an external wearable or implanted sensor to modulate stimulation parameters as needed. aDBS has been demonstrated to be as or more effective than cDBS, but the purely binary control system most commonly deployed by aDBS systems likely still provides sub-optimal treatment and may introduce new issues. One example of these issues is rebound effect, in which the tremor symptoms of an ET patient receiving DBS therapy temporarily worsen after cessation of stimulation before leveling out to a steady state.