
  • Frandsen Jochumsen posted an update 1 week, 4 days ago

    Transpapillary biliary drainage in ERCP is an established method for symptomatic treatment of patients with unresectable malignant biliary obstruction. Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage frequently remains the treatment of choice when the transpapillary approach proves ineffective. Recently, EUS-guided extra-anatomical anastomoses of bile ducts to the gastrointestinal tract have been reported as an alternative to percutaneous biliary drainage. To assess the usefulness of extra-anatomical intrahepatic biliary duct anastomoses to the gastrointestinal tract as endotherapy for unresectable malignant biliary obstruction and to determine factors affecting the efficacy of treatment.

    A prospective analysis of the treatment results of all patients with unresectable biliary obstruction treated with EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy at our institution in the years 2016-2019.

    Transmural intrahepatic biliary drainage (EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy) was performed due to the ineffectiveness of ERCP in 53 patientfective method for the treatment of patients with malignant biliary obstruction.

    Financial hardship is associated with poor health, however the association of financial hardship and incident diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is unknown. This study aimed to examine the longitudinal relationship between financial hardship and incident DKD among older adults with diabetes.

    Analyses were conducted in 2735 adults age 50 or older with diabetes and no DKD using four waves of data (2006-2012) from the Health and Retirement Study, a national longitudinal cohort. The primary outcome was incident DKD. Financial hardship was based on three measures 1) difficulty paying bills; 2) food insecurity; and 3) cost-related medication non-adherence using validated surveys. A dichotomous financial hardship variable (0 vs 1 or more) was constructed based on all three measures. Cox regression models were used to estimate the association between financial hardship, change in financial hardship experience and incident DKD adjusting for demographics, socioeconomic status, and comorbidities.

    During the median follrelationship between financial hardship and incident DKD are needed.

    Financial hardship experience is associated with a higher likelihood of incident DKD in older adults with diabetes. Future studies investigating factors that explain the relationship between financial hardship and incident DKD are needed.

    Measuring glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using iohexol plasma clearance has been proposed as the preferred way for GFR determination. The extended multiple-sample protocol is based on fitting the full concentration-time decay-curve, and from the obtained fit-parameters, the area under the curve (AUC) and GFR (the injected dose divided by the AUC) were calculated. The goal of the current study is to evaluate the impact of different fitting procedures on the precision of GFR-results obtained from the full concentration-time curve, and compare these results with those obtained with simplified multiple-samples and single-sample protocols.

    The concentration-time curves of 8 samples at times 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240 and 300 min after bolus injection of iohexol of 570 adults, aged 70+, from the Berlin Initiative Study (BIS), were analysed. The fit-parameters for the two-compartment model (double-exponential decay curve), and from these, the AUC and GFR were obtained with 8 different fitting procedures.

    or Clinical Studies (“Deutschen Register Klinischer Studien”(DRKS)) under registration number DRKS00017058 , since April 12, 2019, and it is also visible on the WHO clinical trials registry platform (within the next 4 weeks after the registration date).

    The “Berlin Initiative Study” is officially registered with the German Register for Clinical Studies (“Deutschen Register Klinischer Studien”(DRKS)) under registration number DRKS00017058 , since April 12, 2019, and it is also visible on the WHO clinical trials registry platform (within the next 4 weeks after the registration date).

    In assisted reproduction technology embryo competence is routinely evaluated on morphological criteria but efficacy remains relatively low. Additional information could be obtained by evaluating pronuclear (PN) morphology. Up to now controversial results have been reported about the prognostic value of PN score. One of the main limitations of literature data is the use of different PN classification methods. In this regard, in 2011 the ESHRE and Alpha Scientists in Reproductive Medicine defined three PN categories to standardize zygote assessment. In this study we evaluated whether the consensus ESHRE-Alpha system for the pronuclear scoring could be an useful additional criterion to improve prediction of embryo implantation potential.

    This is a retrospective, longitudinal, observational, cohort study. We included 3004 zygotes from 555 women who underwent ICSI treatment at our Center between January 2014 and June 2019. The PN were categorized as score 1 symmetrical, 2 non-symmetrical, 3 abnormal. A subset ss respectto score 2-3-ones (OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.34-2.50, P=0.0001). Consistently, the pronuclearscore remained predictive of implantation in top quality embryos (OR 1.68; 95%CI 1.17-2.42, P= 0.005).

    The consensus pronuclear score may be routinelyincluded among criteria for embryo evaluation to increase patients’ chance ofbecoming pregnant.

    The consensus pronuclear score may be routinely included among criteria for embryo evaluation to increase patients’ chance of becoming pregnant.

    Currently, there are no studies on changes in the incidence of uterine rupture or maternal and foetal outcomes in women with uterine rupture during different birth policy periods in China. Moreover, the results of association studies of maternal age, parity and previous caesarean section number with the risk of maternal and foetal outcomes in women with uterine rupture have not been consistent. This research aims to conduct and discuss the above two aspects.

    We included singleton pregnant women with no maternal complications other than uterine rupture from January 2012 to June 2019 in China’s National Maternal Near Miss Surveillance System. this website The data in this study did not differentiate between complete and partial uterine rupture and uterine dehiscence. Through Poisson regression analysis with a robust variance estimator, we compared the incidences of uterine rupture and maternal and foetal outcomes in women with uterine rupture during different birth policy periods in China and determined the relationship between maternal age, parity or previous caesarean section number and uterine rupture or maternal and foetal outcomes in women with uterine rupture.