
  • Brady Overby posted an update 13 hours, 25 minutes ago

    Objective This study investigates the effect of cognitive overload on assembly task performance and muscle activity. Background Understanding an operator’s cognitive workload is an important component in assessing human-machine interaction. However, little evidence is available on the effect that cognitive overload has on task performance and muscle activity when completing manufacturing tasks. Method Twenty-two volunteers completed an assembly task while performing a secondary cognitive task with increasing levels of demand (n-back). BMS986158 Performance in the assembly task (completion times, accuracy), muscle activity recorded as integrated electromyography (EMG), and self-reported workload were measured. Results Results show that the increasing cognitive demand imposed by the n-back task resulted in impaired assembly task performance, overall greater muscle activity, and higher self-reported workload. Relative to the control condition, performing the 2-back task resulted in longer assembly task completion times (+10 s on average) and greater integrated EMG for flexor carpi ulnaris, triceps brachii, biceps brachii, anterior deltoid, and pectoralis major. Conclusion This study demonstrates that working under high cognitive load not only results in greater muscle activity, but also affects assembly task completion times, which may have a direct effect on manufacturing cycle times. Application Results are applicable to the assessment of the effects of high cognitive workload in manufacturing.Objective A wide range of clinical presentations of Charcot neuroarthropathy of the foot with concomitant osteomyelitis in patients with diabetes has been described. Existing literature provides an equally diverse list of treatment options. The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the outcomes specifically for the surgical management of midfoot Charcot neuroarthropathy with osteomyelitis in patients with diabetes. Method A systematic review was conducted by three independent reviewers using the following databases and search engines Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Cochrane Library, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica dataBASE), Google Scholar, Ovid, PubMed and Scopus. Search terms used were Charcot neuroarthropathy, osteoarthropathy, neuro-osteoarthropathy, neurogenic arthropathy, osteomyelitis, midfoot, foot, ankle, diabetes mellitus, ulceration, wound, infection, surgical offloading, diabetic reconstruction, internal fixation, external fixation. Studies meeting the followintion. Conclusion Surgical intervention for midfoot Charcot neuroarthropathy with osteomyelitis in patients with diabetes demonstrated a relatively high success rate for a range of procedures including debridement with simple exostectomy, arthrodesis with or without internal or external fixation, and advanced soft tissue reconstruction. However, this systematic review emphasises the need for larger, better designed studies to investigate the efficacy and failure rates of surgical treatment in this group of patients.Objective Oxygen plays an integral role in all phases of the wound healing process and tissue oxygenation is a key determinant of wound healing. A comprehensive evaluation of patients with hard-to-heal wounds must include measurement of oxygenation in and around the area of skin breakdown. The current gold standard, transcutaneous oxygen measurement (TCOM), has numerous drawbacks and as a result has fallen into disuse. Method This study compared measurement of tissue oxygenation of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) with TCOM in patients with acute and hard-to-heal wounds. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to evaluate the normality of the data. The level of agreement between NIRS and TCOM was determined using Bland-Altman analysis. The relationship between TCOM and NIRS was examined using Pearson correlation. Results A total of 24 observations were obtained from 10 patients using TCOM and NIRS. The weighted mean partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) in the study population was 39.54mmHg (8.96 standard deviation). Bland-Altman analysis showed that mean difference was positive (18.75), suggesting an overestimation of oxygen measurements using TCOM compared with NIRS. The oxygen levels measured by TCOM and NIRS showed a strong correlation (r=0.74). Conclusion The wound and hyperbaric community would benefit from a simplified procedure for measuring tissue oxygenation. These findings suggest a strong trend toward correlation between NIRS and TCOM. A further study in a larger population is recommended. NIRS offers several advantages over TCOM. Clinicians have immediate point-of-care visualisation of tissue oxygenation using a handheld device. The procedure takes minutes to perform and is less operator-dependent than TCOM. Finally, NIRS allows measurement of oxygenation in the wound bed, while TCOM does not.Objective To assess the safety and efficacy of a surfactant-based technology for the management of burns. Method In a retrospective review, paediatric patients with different types of burns were treated with the gel technology. In some patients, the treatment was combined with a topical antimicrobial agent. Primary objectives of the review were the assessment of healing, healing times and ease of use of the material. Results The wounds of 15 paediatric patients with different types of burns, particularly with regard to depth and anatomical location, were evaluated using a retrospective chart review. It was found that the surfactant gel technology, with or without the topical antimicrobial agent, assisted in autolytic debridement, and that time to re-epithelialisation was short and within the range of those obtained with other established treatments. Conclusion The number of patients and wounds in this evaluation is small but the study indicates that the gel technology provides a safe and effective way to treat smaller burns in paediatric patients.A solid multi-layered concentric sphere with Gaussian space source is considered as the tissue model for magnetic hyperthermia treatment. The generalized dual-phase-lag model of bioheat transfer is used to describe the behavior of heat transport in tissue in the hyperthermia treatment process for accounting the local non-equilibrium effect. The effects of blood perfusion with the transient temperature are included in the tissue model. The hybrid numerical scheme based on Laplace transform, change of variables, and the modified discretization technique is extended to solve the present problem. The analytical solution for constant heat generation in the inner sphere is presented and evidences the accuracy and rationality of the present numerical results. In an ideal hyperthermia treatment, all the diseased tissues should be selectively heated without affecting any healthy tissue. Attempting to achieve the ideal temperature distribution, the thermal dose is estimated at the specified condition. The corresponding thermal efficacy of tumor damage has also been assessed based on the Arrenius equation.