
  • Joensen Rask posted an update 5 days, 12 hours ago

    018, 95% CI 1.008-1.026, p = 0.002) and without (HR 1.018, 95% CI 1.001-1.035, p = 0.033) CVD. In conclusion, our study indicates that cf-DNA level predicts mortality in middle-aged and older individuals, also among those with established CVD, and adds significant value to mortality prediction. Our results thus underscore the role of cf-DNA as a viable marker of health.Pollinator decline is expected to cause significant reductions in food production and plant reproduction. Quantifying the impact of pollinator decline on food production requires survey methods that can identify insect and bee species responsible for pollination of specific crops. To address this issue, we compared the effectiveness of two survey methods, netting and pan traps, at capturing the pollinators of alfalfa, Medicago sativa. Alfalfa is a major component of forage for cows and an important ingredient in chicken feed. We also examined bee species richness and diversity with these two survey methods, and compared these measures among three different colors of pan traps. Netting was more effective at capturing known pollinators of alfalfa, especially those belonging to the Bombus and Apis genera. Pan traps captured a higher bee diversity relative to netting and, like previous studies, each survey method and each trap color was more efficient at capturing certain bee genera. However, without a priori knowledge of pollinators, neither survey method could identify which of the bee species captured could pollinate alfalfa. We therefore recommend direct observations when the goal of a study is to identify pollinators or link pollinator decline to food production.Angiogenesis plays a key role in several diseases including cancer, ischemic vascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Chemical genetic screening of endothelial tube formation provides a robust approach for identifying signalling components that impact microvascular network morphology as well as endothelial cell biology. However, the analysis of the resulting imaging datasets has been limited to a few phenotypic features such as the total tube length or the number of branching points. Here we developed a high content analysis framework for detailed quantification of various aspects of network morphology including network complexity, symmetry and topology. By applying our approach to a high content screen of 1,280 characterised drugs, we found that drugs that result in a similar phenotype share the same mechanism of action or common downstream signalling pathways. Our multiparametric analysis revealed that a group of glutamate receptor antagonists enhances branching and network connectivity. Using an integrative meta-analysis approach, we validated the link between these receptors and angiogenesis. We further found that the expression of these genes is associated with the prognosis of Alzheimer’s patients. In conclusion, our work shows that detailed image analysis of complex endothelial phenotypes can reveal new insights into biological mechanisms modulating the morphogenesis of endothelial networks and identify potential therapeutics for angiogenesis-related diseases.Computing gas and liquid interactions based on interfacial force models require a proper turbulence model that accurately resolve the turbulent scales such as turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate with cheap computational resources. The k -  ε turbulence model can be a good turbulence predictive tool to simulate velocity components in different phases and approximately picture the turbulence eddy structure. However, even this average turbulence method can be expensive for very large domains of calculation, particularly when the number of phases and spices increases in the multi-size structure Eulerian approach. ARN-509 supplier In this study, with the ability of artificial learning, we accelerate the simulation of gas and liquid interaction in the bubble column reactor. The artificial learning method is based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) method, which is a combination of neural cells and fuzzy structure for making decision or prediction. The learning method is specifically used in a carendent of CFD boundary conditions.The pig is commonly believed to be a relevant model for human gut functions-however, there are only a few comparative studies and none on neural control mechanisms. To address this lack we identified as one central aspect mechanosensitive enteric neurons (MEN) in porcine and human colon. We used neuroimaging techniques to record responses to tensile or compressive forces in submucous neurons. Compression and stretch caused Ca-transients and immediate spike discharge in 5-11% of porcine and 15-24% of human enteric neurons. The majority of these MEN exclusively responded to either stimulus quality but about 9% responded to both. Most of the MEN expressed choline acetyltransferase and substance P; nitric oxide synthase-positive MEN primarily occurred in distal colon. The findings reveal common features of MEN in human and pig colon which we interpret as a result of species-independent evolutionary conservation rather than a specific functional proximity between the two species.Necrosis- and ethylene-inducing-like proteins (NLPs) are secreted by fungi, oomycetes and bacteria. Conserved nlp peptides derived from NLPs are recognized as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), leading to PAMP-triggered immune responses. RLP23 is the receptor of the nlp peptides in Arabidopsis thaliana; however, its actual contribution to plant immunity is unclear. Here, we report that RLP23 is required for Arabidopsis immunity against the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Arabidopsis rlp23 mutants exhibited enhanced susceptibility to B. cinerea compared with the wild-type plants. Notably, microscopic observation of the B. cinerea infection behaviour indicated the involvement of RLP23 in pre-invasive resistance to the pathogen. B. cinerea carried two NLP genes, BcNEP1 and BcNEP2; BcNEP1 was expressed preferentially before/during invasion into Arabidopsis, whereas BcNEP2 was expressed at the late phase of infection. Importantly, the nlp peptides derived from both BcNEP1 and BcNEP2 induced the production of reactive oxygen species in an RLP23-dependent manner.