
  • Hardin Nunez posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Various variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) began emerging worldwide from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021. The variants GRY/VOC202012/01 (B1.1.7), GH/N501Y.V2 (B1.351), and GR/N501Y.V3 (P1) are characterized by N to Y amino acid substitution at position 501 in the S protein. The variant containing L to R substitution at position 452 in the S protein G/L452R.V3 (B1.617) was endemic to India. The heightened concern regarding these variants is related to their increased viral infectivity. Information about nucleotide mismatch(es) on the primer/probe sequence is important for maintaining good performance of real-time PCR assays. In this study, real-time RT-PCR assays developed by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan (NIID-N2 and NIID-S2 assays), were reviewed to analyze nucleotide mismatches of variants in primer/probe sequences. Bleomycin The frequency of mismatched sequences in three variants (GRY/VOC202012/01, GH/N501Y.V2, and GR/N501Y.V3) was lower than that in all SARS-CoV-2 sequences. The mismatch, that G to C substitution at nucleotide 8 in reverse primer of S2 set, elevated to about 16.3% in G/L452R.V3, however the substitution did not affect the analytical sensitivity of assay. Therefore, the study indicates that the NIID-N2 and NIID-S2 sets detect VOCs of SARS-CoV-2 with reliable efficiency.We analyzed the performance parameters of the traditional and the reverse algorithms to find out which one is more convenient for serodiagnosis of syphilis. In total, 4789 serum samples were obtained in a cross-sectional study. Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), Treponema pallidum Haemagglutination Assay (TPHA) and Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) tests were performed for every serum sample. In case of discordance between results, the TPHA was applied as a second treponemal test. Overall, 207 patients were serodiagnosed with syphilis. Among 4789 subjects tested, 125 (2.6%) and 206 (4.3%) were positive using the traditional algorithm and the reverse algorithm, respectively. The missed diagnosis rate of the traditional algorithm was 42.5%. The reverse algorithm had higher sensitivity than the traditional algorithm. Sensitivity levels of the traditional and the reverse algorithms were 57.49% and 99.85% respectively. The false positivity of the reverse algorithms was 0.02%.Both Human Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV) and Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) cause immune-mediated under-five acute respiratory infections (ARI), but differences in their disease pathogenesis, if any, are not well-known. This study was undertaken to analyze the epidemio-clinico-immunological features of RSV and hMPV infections. Naso-pharyngeal aspirates from children (aged two months to five years) with ARI presenting to our tertiary care center between December 2013 to March 2016 were subjected to real-time polymerase chain reaction for detection of RSV and hMPV. Positive samples were analyzed for co-infections and levels of cytokines. Of 349 naso-pharyngeal aspirates, RSV was detected in 40.68% (142/349), hMPV in 6.59% (23/349) and both in 1.4% (5/349). Co-infections were common, rhinovirus being the commonest co-offender. The demographical and clinical parameters of RSV- and hMPV-infected children were comparable. MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio was significantly higher in RSV-mediated ARI and IFN-γ in hMPV-mediated ARI. Both RSV and hMPV are common among north Indian children with ARI and coinfections are not uncommon. Their clinical features being non-discriminatory, molecular diagnosis should be utilized to ascertain their individual epidemiology. The differences in their immune-pathogenesis (MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio in RSV and IFN-γ in hMPV) could serve as useful tools for developing newer drugs.The Enterobacter cloacae complex (ECC) is one of the most common causes of bacteremia and leads to poor clinical outcomes. The aim of this study was to clarify the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles and genetic backgrounds of non-carbapenemase-producing reduced-carbapenem-susceptible (RCS) ECC blood isolates in Japan using agar dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing, whole-genome sequencing, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction for assays of ampC, ompC and ompF transcripts. Forty-two ECC blood isolates were categorized into RCS and carbapenem-susceptible groups based on imipenem minimum inhibitory concentration. RCS ECC blood isolates belonged to distinct species and sequence types and produced varying class C β-lactamases. The E. roggenkampii, E. asburiae, and E. bugandensis isolates belonged only to the RCS group. Some E. hormaecheii ssp. steigerwaltii isolates of the RCS group exhibited AmpC overexpression caused by amino acid substitutions in AmpD and AmpR along with ompF gene downregulation. These findings suggest that non-carbapenemase-producing RCS ECC blood isolates are genetically diverse.Streptococcus pneumoniae is still a leading bacterial pathogen of acute otitis media (AOM), despite the available pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs). We conducted a study on the population structure, antibiotic nonsusceptibility, serotype distribution, and presence of pilus in middle ear fluids – S. pneumoniae isolates recovered from PCV10-vaccinated children with suppurative АОМ in Bulgaria. Non-susceptibility was revealed in 68.75% (n=33) of the isolates. Multidrug-resistance (MDR) has been detected in 60.4%. The dual macrolide resistance mechanism was predominant. Most widespread were non-PCV10 serotypes 3 (27.1%, n=13), 19A (25.0%, n=12), and VT 19F (23.0%, n=11). A total of 64.6% were non-PCV10-serotypes. Presence of Pilus type I was observed mostly in PCV10-serotypes. We disclosed a strong association between CCs, serotype, and antimicrobial resistance. The MLST revealed the presence of four CCs CC320 (39.6%), CC505 (12.5%), CC1377 8.3%), and CC230 (8.3%), respectively. The most abundant CC320 comprised MDR 19A and 19F isolates. CC230 clustered MDR isolates from serotype 19A, 6C, and 14. CC505 and CC1377 covered serotype 3 susceptible isolates. The vaccine-induced changes and trends in antimicrobial resistance and clonality must be an object of systematic investigations.