Mouritzen Corcoran posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago
The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of a group motivational plus implementation intentions intervention in promoting adherence to an unsupervised walking program recommended for fibromyalgia, compared to an implementation intentions condition and to an active control condition. A triple-blind, randomized, longitudinal study with measures at baseline, short (seven weeks post-intervention), mid (12 weeks) and long-term (36 weeks) is performed. learn more Data are analyzed using multilevel longitudinal growth curve two-level modelling. Participants are 157 women with fibromyalgia. In the short-term, adherence to the minimum and to the standard walking program (primary outcome measures) is explained by time (both p less then .001), motivational plus implementation intentions intervention (both p less then .001) and by their interaction (both p less then .001). Regarding the secondary outcomes, only physical function is explained by time (p less then .001), motivational plus implementation intentions intervention (p less then .05) and by their interaction (p less then .05). Motivational plus implementation intentions intervention achieve the promotion of walking as an exercise in the short-term; furthermore, physical function of the women in this condition is better than in the other two intervention groups, which is a relevant outcome from a rehabilitation point of view. However, more studies are needed to maintain the exercise at mid and long-term.Dapagliflozin (DPG) is a novel drug from class of sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGL-2) inhibitors which has been evolved as profound treatment option for the type-2diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Considering the severity of the disease the drug is of crucial significance for the therapy and associated research. As a pharmaceutical dosage form DPG has immense importance as an individual drug and with other antidiabetic drugs as combinations. The drugs existing in combination with DPG are Metformin (MET) and Saxagliptin (SXG). The existence of the Dapagliflozin in combinations further created more interest in reviewing its pharmaceutical, analytical and bio-analytical profile. Such estimations are always in need of precise pharmacological and physicochemical information; hence authors have presented it beforehand. Authors hereby wish to present an essential update pertaining to emergence of gliflozins and DPG. The article further presents a simultaneous and comparative assessment of the analytical investigations published in literature for pharmaceutical estimation to assist future analysis. The thorough literature searches revealed fifty three research papers in total till date. A comprehensive presentation of typical; hyphenated and unique methods used for analysis are outlined effectively. The percentile utilization of analytical approaches since appearance of first publication in 2010 is investigated to report trend in determination. The present review explores the pharmaceutical estimation of DPG to scientifically potentiate analytical research and therapeutic future of DPG as a novel SGL-2 Inhibitor antidiabetic.Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer amongst women worldwide including in Asia where the incidence rate is rapidly increasing. Even with treatment, around 30% of patients with early breast cancer progress to metastatic disease, with hormone receptor positive (HR+) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer the most common phenotype. First-line endocrine therapy targeting the estrogen receptor signaling pathway provides a median progression-free survival or time to progression of 6-15 months in HR + HER2- metastatic breast cancer. Recently, cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) inhibitors, combined with endocrine therapy, have achieved more than two years median progression-free survival in HR + HER2- metastatic breast cancer. However, the characteristics of the Asian breast cancer population differ from those of Western populations and need to be considered when selecting a suitable treatment. Breast cancer is diagnosed at a younger age in Asian populations and late stage at presentation is generally more common in low-/middle-income countries than high-income countries. Consequently, the proportion of premenopausal women with metastatic breast cancer is higher in Asian compared with Western populations. While CDK4/6 inhibitors have been approved in the USA (FDA) since 2015, experience with them in Asia is more limited. We review the experience with the CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in Asian patients with HR + HER2- metastatic breast cancer and provide guidance on the use of palbociclib in these patients.The long-term decay rate of serum ferritin post-iron infusion in athletic populations is currently unknown. Here, we modelled the decay rate of serum ferritin in female athletes post-intravenous iron infusion (n=22). The post-infusion serum ferritin response and the rate of decay was highly variable between athletes; however, we demonstrate that follow-up blood testing at one (154 µg/L; 77-300 µg/L) and six months (107 µg/L; 54-208 µg/L) post-infusion is appropriate to observe treatment efficacy and effectiveness. Novelty • Female athletes should have serum ferritin assessed at 1 and 6 months following an intravenous iron infusion to determine efficacy and effectiveness.Symptom perception is complex and influenced by a number of psychological factors, including interoceptive ability and alexithymia. Some individuals may have difficulty distinguishing between internal signals, such as emotions and physical symptoms, however research in this area is sparse. The current study aimed to explore the incidence and nature of this phenomenon, labelled, ‘Interoceptive Crossover’. 239 individuals completed an online survey and rated the perceived similarity between a range of emotions (e.g., Sad, Happy, Afraid and Calm) and physical symptoms (e.g., Stomach Pain, Fatigue/Tiredness, Headache and Abnormal Heartbeat) to assess the incidence and nature of Interoceptive Crossover. Individuals demonstrated crossover between emotions and physical symptoms. Some crossovers were more unsurprising and reported by a greater proportion of the sample, such as Afraid and Abnormal Heartbeat (74.5%); Sad and Fatigue (29.4%) and Afraid and Shortness of Breath (58.5%). Other crossovers were less prevalent in the sample and more unexpected such as Satisfied with Headache (1.