
  • Hesselberg Vincent posted an update 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    Once-daily two 600 mg tablets (1200 mg q.d.) raltegravir offers an easier treatment option compared to the twice-daily regimen of one 400 mg tablet. No pharmacokinetic, efficacy, or safety data of the 1200 mg q.d. regimen have been reported in pregnant women to date as it is challenging to collect these clinical data. This study aimed to develop a population pharmacokinetic (PopPK) model to predict the pharmacokinetic profile of raltegravir 1200 mg q.d. in pregnant women and to discuss the expected pharmacodynamic properties of raltegravir 1200 mg q.d. during pregnancy based on previously reported concentration-effect relationships. Data from 11 pharmacokinetic studies were pooled (n = 221). A two-compartment model with first-order elimination and absorption through three sequential transit compartments best described the data. We assessed that the bio-availability of the 600 mg tablets was 21% higher as the 400 mg tablets, and the bio-availability in pregnant women was 49% lower. Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to predict the pharmacokinetic profile of 1200 mg q.d. in pregnant and nonpregnant women. PIK-90 in vivo The primary criteria for efficacy were that the lower bound of the 90% confidence interval (CI) of the concentration before next dose administration (Ctrough ) geometric mean ratio (GMR) of simulated pregnant/nonpregnant women had to be greater than 0.75. The simulated raltegravir Ctrough GMR (90% CI) was 0.51 (0.41-0.63), hence not meeting the primary target for efficacy. Clinical data from two pregnant women using 1200 mg q.d. raltegravir showed a similar Ctrough ratio pregnant/nonpregnant. Our pharmacokinetic results support the current recommendation of not using the raltegravir 1200 mg q.d. regimen during pregnancy until more data on the exposure-response relationship becomes available.Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is the most common form of biliary tract malignancy with a dismal prognosis. A poor outcome in patients with GBC is related to the aggressive nature of the tumor, delayed diagnosis, and a lack of reliable biomarkers and effective treatment. Therefore, early diagnosis and accurate disease assessment are crucial to prolonging the patient survival. Identification of novel prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers may help improve the early diagnostic rate and develop specific targeted treatments for patients with GBC. We herein review the novel biomarkers that may be associated with the diagnosis and prognosis in GBC and their potential clinical significance in the management of GBC.One nucleotide substitution in codon 174 of HLA-DQB1*06030101 results in a novel allele, HLA- DQB1*060341. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Astacin metalloproteinases, in particular meprins α and β, as well as ovastacin, are emerging drug targets. Drug-discovery efforts have led to the development of the first potent and selective inhibitors in the last few years. However, the most recent compounds are based on a highly flexible tertiary amine scaffold that could cause metabolic liabilities or decreased potency due to the entropic penalty upon binding to the target. Thus, the aim of this study was to discover novel conformationally constrained scaffolds as starting points for further inhibitor optimization. Shifting from flexible tertiary amines to rigid heteroaromatic cores resulted in a boost in inhibitory activity. Moreover, some compounds already exhibited higher activity against individual astacin proteinases compared to recently reported inhibitors and also a favorable off-target selectivity profile, thus qualifying them as very suitable chemical probes for target validation.

    Abnormalities in the maxillary frenum may lead to esthetic or functional limitations and need to be corrected with a surgical intervention called frenectomy. The aim of the study was to compare frenectomies performed using ErYAG laser technology with those using a conventional scalpel technique. Comparisons were of patients’ experiences, treatment times, bleeding during treatment and wound healing.

    The trial was performed as a prospective, randomized and controlled, single-blind investigation. A total of 40 patients requiring frenectomy were randomly assigned to groups which underwent either conventional or ErYAG laser treatment. Patients’ experiences, treatment time, bleeding and wound healing were evaluated immediately after surgery and 5 days, 12 days and 3 months after surgery.

    Significant increase in time spent in surgery and bleeding was seen with conventional scalpel surgery. Directly after surgery the wound area was significantly larger in the laser group but at the 5-day evaluation no difference could be observed between the groups. Finally, patients were satisfied with both methods, giving them the same assessments.

    In the frenectomy procedure, laser surgery is faster and causes less bleeding and may be advantageous in frenectomies.

    In the frenectomy procedure, laser surgery is faster and causes less bleeding and may be advantageous in frenectomies.

    ST Genesia is a new automated system enabling quantitative standardized evaluation of thrombin generation (TG), for example, in patients receiving anti-Xa direct inhibitors (xabans). Data on its analytical performances are scarce.

    Over an 18-month period, repeatability, reproducibility, and accuracy were assessed using STG-ThromboScreen (without or with thrombomodulin) or STG-DrugScreen reagents (corresponding to intermediate/high tissue-factor concentration, respectively), and controls. Furthermore, reproducibility was assessed using commercialized lyophilized and frozen normal pooled plasmas. Rivaroxaban and apixaban impacts on TG parameters were assessed using spiking experiments. Finally, a comparison with the Calibrated Automated Thrombogram method (CAT) (PPP reagent) was performed using plasma from healthy volunteers enrolled in the DRIVING-studyNCT 01627665) before and after rivaroxaban intake.

    For all dedicated quality control (QC) levels, inter-series coefficients of variations (CV) were <7%ST Genesia® enables the reliable measurement of TG parameters in both in vitro and ex vivo xaban plasma samples using either STG-ThromboScreen or STG-DrugScreen according to xaban concentrations. The use of reference plasma, despite not completely reflecting a normal pooled plasma behavior, likely improves standardization and inter-laboratory comparisons.