
  • Lerche Bain posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    We next used the MNH assay to carry out a proof-of-concept compound screening using FDA-approved drugs. We identified potential candidate compounds modulating acute ethanol toxicity in human DNs. Nevirapine We found that disulfiram and baclofen, which are used for AUD treatment, and lithium caused neurotoxicity also in the absence of ethanol, while the spasmolytic drug flavoxate positively influenced MNH. Altogether, we developed an HT assay to probe human MNH and used it to assess ethanol neurotoxicity and to identify modulating agents. The MNH assay represents an effective new tool for discovering modulators of MNH and toxicity in live human neurons.Cancer cells experience unique and dynamic shifts in their metabolic function in order to survive, proliferate, and evade growth inhibition in the resource-scarce tumor microenvironment. Therefore, identification of pharmacological agents with potential to reprogram cancer cell metabolism may improve clinical outcomes in cancer therapy. Cancer cells also often exhibit an increased dependence on the process known as autophagy, both for baseline survival and as a response to stressors such as chemotherapy or a decline in nutrient availability. There is evidence to suggest that this increased dependence on autophagy in cancer cells may be exploitable clinically by combining autophagy modulators with existing chemotherapies. In light of the increased metabolic rate in cancer cells, interest is growing in approaches aimed at “starving” cancer through dietary and pharmacologic interventions that reduce availability of nutrients and pro-growth hormonal signals known to promote cancer progression. Several dietary applable for the therapeutic potential of these approaches.The mobility of proteins and lipids within the cell, sculpted oftentimes by the organization of the membrane, reveals a great wealth of information on the function and interaction of these molecules as well as the membrane itself. Single particle tracking has proven to be a vital tool to study the mobility of individual molecules and unravel details of their behavior. Interferometric scattering (iSCAT) microscopy is an emerging technique well-suited for visualizing the diffusion of gold nanoparticle-labeled membrane proteins to a spatial and temporal resolution beyond the means of traditional fluorescent labels. We discuss the applicability of interferometric single particle tracking (iSPT) microscopy to investigate the minutia in the motion of a protein through measurements visualizing the mobility of the epidermal growth factor receptor in various biological scenarios on the live cell.Stroke may cause severe death and disability but many clinical trials have failed in the past, partially because the lack of an effective method to regenerate new neurons after stroke. In this study, we report an in vivo neural regeneration approach through AAV NeuroD1-based gene therapy to repair damaged brains after ischemic stroke in adult non-human primates (NHPs). We demonstrate that ectopic expression of a neural transcription factor NeuroD1 in the reactive astrocytes after monkey cortical stroke can convert 90% of the infected astrocytes into neurons. Interestingly, astrocytes are not depleted in the NeuroD1-converted areas, consistent with the proliferative capability of astrocytes. Following ischemic stroke in monkey cortex, the NeuroD1-mediated astrocyte-to-neuron (AtN) conversion significantly increased local neuronal density, reduced microglia and macrophage, and surprisingly protected parvalbumin interneurons in the converted areas. Furthermore, the NeuroD1 gene therapy showed a broad time window in AtN conversion, from 10 to 30 days following ischemic stroke. The cortical astrocyte-converted neurons showed Tbr1+ cortical neuron identity, similar to our earlier findings in rodent animal models. Unexpectedly, NeuroD1 expression in converted neurons showed a significant decrease after 6 months of viral infection, indicating a downregulation of NeuroD1 after neuronal maturation in adult NHPs. These results suggest that in vivo cell conversion through NeuroD1-based gene therapy may be an effective approach to regenerate new neurons for tissue repair in adult primate brains.Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins are a family of signaling molecules that function downstream of multiple receptor signaling pathways, and they play a pivotal role in the regulation of intracellular biological progresses. These TRAF-dependent signaling pathways and physiological functions have been involved in the occurrence and progression of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), which is a common pathophysiological process that occurs in a wide variety of clinical events, including ischemic shock, organ transplantation, and thrombolytic therapy, resulting in a poor prognosis and high mortality. IRI occurs in multiple organs, including liver, kidney, heart, lung, brain, intestine, and retina. In recent years, mounting compelling evidence has confirmed that the genetic alterations of TRAFs can cause subversive phenotype changes during IRI of those organs. In this review, based on current knowledge, we summarized and analyzed the regulatory effect of TRAFs on the IRI of various organs, providing clear direction and a firm theoretical basis for the development of treatment strategies to manipulate TRAF proteins or TRAF-dependent signaling pathways in IRI-related diseases.Successful osseointegration involves the biological behavior of bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) on an implant surface; however, the role of BMSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs)/exosomes in osseointegration is little known. This study aimed to (i) explore the interaction force between exosomes (Exo) and cells on a titanium surface; (ii) discuss whether the morphology and biological behavior of BMSCs are affected by exosomes; and (iii) preliminarily investigate the mechanism by which exosomes regulate cells on Ti surface. Exosomes secreted by rat BMSCs were collected by ultracentrifugation and analyzed using transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis. Confocal fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8), quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction techniques, and alkaline phosphatase bioactivity, Alizarin Red staining, and quantification were used to investigate the exosomes that adhere to the Ti plates under different treatments as well as the morphological change, adhesion, spread, and differentiation of BMSCs.