
  • Henriksen Fenger posted an update 1 day, 20 hours ago

    In the case with magnetic fluctuations, the procedure for the GK calculation of perpendicular current is clarified, the dispersion relation for compressional Alfvén wave is derived, in which the effect of polarization current is discussed.We study heat rectification in a minimalistic model composed of two unequal atoms subjected to linear forces and in contact with effective Langevin baths induced by Doppler lasers. Analytic expressions of the heat currents in the steady state are spelled out. Asymmetric heat transport is found in this linear system if both the bath temperatures and the temperature-dependent bath-system couplings are exchanged. The model can be realized with two ions in either common or individual traps. This physical setting allows for a natural temperature dependence of the coupling to the baths. We also explore the parameter space of the model to optimize asymmetric heat current and find conditions for maximal rectification. High rectification corresponds to a good match of the power spectra of the ions for forward temperature bias and mismatch for reverse bias, which may be understood by the behavior of dissipative normal modes.Time-resolved tunable laser absorption spectroscopy is used to characterize the physical properties of ultrafast laser-produced plasmas. The plasmas were produced from an Inconel target, with ≤0.4wt% Al, using ∼35fs, ∼800nm, ∼5mJ laser pulses at varying Ar background pressures from 1 to 100 Torr. The absorption spectrum of atomic Al is measured with high spectral and temporal resolution when the probe laser is stepped across the selected Al transition at 394.4 nm. Spectral fitting is used to infer linewidths, kinetic temperature, Al column density, and pressure broadening coefficient. The late time physical properties of plasmas are compared for various pressure levels. Our studies highlight that a significant lower state population exists even at early times of ultrafast laser-produced plasma evolution, and lower state population persistence decreases with increasing ambient pressure. We also show that the fundamental optical properties, such as pressure broadening, can be measured using ultrafast laser-produced plasmas combined with laser absorption spectroscopy.Optimal transport (OT) has become a discipline by itself that offers solutions to a wide range of theoretical problems in probability and mathematics with applications in several applied fields such as imaging sciences, machine learning, and in data sciences in general. The traditional OT problem suffers from a severe limitation its balance condition imposes that the two distributions to be compared be normalized and have the same total mass. However, it is important for many applications to be able to relax this constraint and allow for mass creation and/or destruction. This is true, for example, in all problems requiring partial matching. In this paper, we propose an approach to solving a generalized version of the OT problem, which we refer to as the discrete variable-mass optimal-transport (VMOT) problem, using techniques adapted from statistical physics. Our first contribution is to fully describe this formalism, including all the proofs of its main claims. In particular, we derive a strongly concave effective free-energy function that captures the constraints of the VMOT problem at a finite temperature. From its maximum we derive a weak distance (i.e., a divergence) between possibly unbalanced distribution functions. The temperature-dependent OT distance decreases monotonically to the standard variable-mass OT distance, providing a robust framework for temperature annealing. Our second contribution is to show that the implementation of this formalism has the same properties as the regularized OT algorithms in time complexity, making it a competitive approach to solving the VMOT problem. We illustrate applications of the framework to the problem of partial two- and three-dimensional shape-matching problems.There is a deep connection between the ground states of transverse-field spin systems and the late-time distributions of evolving viral populations-within simple models, both are obtained from the principal eigenvector of the same matrix. selleck inhibitor However, that vector is the wave-function amplitude in the quantum spin model, whereas it is the probability itself in the population model. We show that this seemingly minor difference has significant consequences Phase transitions that are discontinuous in the spin system become continuous when viewed through the population perspective, and transitions that are continuous become governed by new critical exponents. We introduce a more general class of models that encompasses both cases and that can be solved exactly in a mean-field limit. Numerical results are also presented for a number of one-dimensional chains with power-law interactions. We see that well-worn spin models of quantum statistical mechanics can contain unexpected new physics and insights when treated as population-dynamical models and beyond, motivating further studies.Coined discrete-time quantum walks are studied using simple deterministic dynamical systems as coins whose classical limit can range from being integrable to chaotic. It is shown that a Loschmidt echo-like fidelity plays a central role, and when the coin is chaotic this is approximately the characteristic function of a classical random walker. Thus the classical binomial distribution arises as a limit of the quantum walk and the walker exhibits diffusive growth before eventually becoming ballistic. The coin-walker entanglement growth is shown to be logarithmic in time as in the case of many-body localization and coupled kicked rotors, and saturates to a value that depends on the relative coin and walker space dimensions. In a coin-dominated scenario, the chaos can thermalize the quantum walk to typical random states such that the entanglement saturates at the Haar averaged Page value, unlike in a walker-dominated case when atypical states seem to be produced.With conformal-invariance methods, Burkhardt, Guim, and Xue studied the critical Ising model, defined on the upper half plane y>0 with different boundary conditions a and b on the negative and positive x axes. For ab=-+ and f+, they determined the one- and two-point averages of the spin σ and energy ε. Here +,-, and f stand for spin-up, spin-down, and free-spin boundaries, respectively. The case +-+-+⋯, where the boundary condition switches between + and – at arbitrary points, ζ_1,ζ_2,⋯ on the x axis was also analyzed. In the first half of this paper a similar study is carried out for the alternating boundary condition +f+f+⋯ and the case -f+ of three different boundary conditions. Exact results for the one- and two-point averages of σ,ε, and the stress tensor T are derived with conformal-invariance methods. From the results for 〈T〉, the critical Casimir interaction with the boundary of a wedge-shaped inclusion is derived for mixed boundary conditions. In the second half of the paper, arbitrary two-dimensional critical systems with mixed boundary conditions are analyzed with boundary-operator expansions.