
  • Kring Dickens posted an update 1 week, 2 days ago

    sp. is the first species of this genus found in an indigenous millipede north of Mexico. Keys based on female cervical ornamentation are provided to differentiate the 52 known Heth spp.Quarterly sampling campaigns were carried out during year 2019 to study the effects of organic pollution on the diversity and abundance of meiofauna from a polluted coastal system in north-western Mexico. Amongst harpacticoids, the family Miraciidae Dana 1846 was by far the most abundant and diverse, and several new species and the proposal of some new genera of Stenheliinae Brady 1880 and Diosaccinae Sars 1906 will be published elsewhere. Amongst the Diosaccinae, the genus Robertgurneya Apostolov Marinov 1988 was one of the most abundant. MALT1 inhibitor mouse This genus was proposed and diagnosed by Lang (1944, 1948) but after a complex taxonomical history, was made available by Apostolov Marinov (1988) who proposed an amended diagnosis and designated R. similis similis (Scott A. 1896) as the type species of the genus. Here I propose a new species, Robertgurneya mexicana sp. nov., and give a fully illustrated record of the widely distributed R. rostrata (Gurney 1927). The relationships amongst the species of Robertgurneya are not clear, but the new Mexican species shares with R. falklandiensis (Lang 1936) the elongated inner dimorphic spine on the basis of the male P1. Additionally, a new amended diagnosis for the genus Robertgurneya, as well as the reallocation of R. soyeri (Apostolov 1974) into Typhlamphiascus Lang 1944, and the creation of a new genus, Robertgurneyella gen. nov., for R. spinulosa (Sars 1911) are proposed.A key for identification for the 54 South American genera of Acanthocinini (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) without erect setae on the elytra is provided. Diagnosis for each genus is provided, as well as type-locality and geographical distribution of the type species, and of the transferred species. Cristurges Gilmour, 1961 is considered a junior synonymy of Lophopoeum Bates, 1863. Ozineus Bates, 1863 is considered a genus that includes only the type species, Ozineus elongatus Bates, 1863 because it is the only species with erect setae on the elytral surface. Sternacutus Gilmour, 1961 is revalidated to include the species transferred from Ozineus. Nyssocuneus Gilmour, 1960 and Nyssodrysina Casey, 1913 are synonymized with Atrypanius Bates, 1864. Nyssodrysina Casey, 1913 is also considered a junior synonymy of Atrypanius. Nyssodectes Dillon, 1955 is considered junior synonymy of Stenolis Bates, 1864. Lepturguncus (Lepturguncus) Gilmour, 1961 is synonymized with Pattalinus Bates, 1881. Lepturdrys Gilmour, 1960 is considered a junior synonymy of Eucharitolus Bates, 1885. Lepturguncus (Chaeturguncus) is removed from the synonym of Pattalinus and considered a junior synonym of Paroecus Bates, 1863. The country of the type-locality of Oxathridia roraimae Gilmour, 1963 is corrected. The genus of Neseuterpia couturieri Tavakilian, 2001 is questioned. Additionally, the following genera omitted in the key by Monné et al. (2020) are listed and included in their previous key Ozineus Bates, 1863; Paroecus Bates, 1863; Pseudosparna Mermudes Monné, 2009; Probatiomimus Melzer, 1926; and Calolamia Tippmann, 1953. Paroectropsis Cerda, 1953 is transferred to Desmiphorini.A fully annotated catalog of genus- and species-group names of Neotropical Lauxaniidae (Diptera Lauxanioidea) is presented, providing details of references to these names in literature, and providing additional details such as distributions, generic combinations, synonymies, misspellings and emendations, information on types, notes on unusual situations, etc. As this catalog is meant to supplement the older Catalog of the Diptera of America North of Mexico, to complete the cataloging of the New World Lauxaniidae, “Neotropical” is herein inclusive of everything south of the United States, and the Nearctic parts of Mexico are not separately distinguished. The catalog is organized alphabetically within each of the three lauxaniid subfamilies, Eurychoromyiinae, Homoneurinae and Lauxaniinae, treating 91 available genus-group names, of which 77 represent valid genera. In the species-group, the catalog treats 441 available species-group names, of which 391 represent valid Neotropical lauxaniid species, 39 are invalia Fallén, 1810), Homoneura maculipennis (Loew, 1847; Sapromyza Fallén, 1810), Poecilohetaerus suavis (Loew, 1847; Sapromyza Fallén, 1810). The following four species are removed from the family, three of which are put into the following new combinations Senopterina cyanea (Fabricius, 1805; Lauxania Latreille, 1804) (Platystomatidae), Dihoplopyga delicatula (Blanchard, 1854; Sapromyza Fallén, 1810) (Heleomyzidae), Pherbellia geniculata (Macquart, 1844b; Sapromyza Fallén, 1810) (Sciomyzidae). The remaining species, Sapromyza fuscipes Macquart, 1844b, is of uncertain family placement within the Muscoidea. The following new replacement names for species of Platystomatidae were necessary due to homonymy Senopterina gigliotosi Gaimari Silva (for Bricinniella cyanea Giglio-Tos, 1893, nec Lauxania cyanea Fabricius, 1805), and Rivellia macquarti Gaimari Silva (for Tephritis unifasciata Macquart, 1843 381, nec Macquart, 1835 465).The Chinese bees of the genus Anthidium Fabricius, 1804, are reviewed. Twenty-one species are confirmed to occur in China, five of which are described and illustrated as new Chinese endemics Anthidium (Anthidium) pseudomontanum Niu Zhu, sp. nov., A. (A.) pseudophilorum Niu Zhu, sp. nov., A. (A.) tasitiense Niu Zhu, sp. nov., A. (A.) xuezhongi Niu Zhu, sp. nov., and A. (Proanthidium) qingtaoi Niu Zhu, sp. nov.. The previously unknown female of A. (A.) kashmirense Mavromoustakis, 1937 and male of A. (P.) kashgarense (Cockerell, 1911) are described for the first time. Anthidium (A.) furcatum Wu, 2004 (junior primary homonym, nec Anthidium furcatum Ducke, 1908) is replaced with its valid and available synonym A. (A.) striatum Wu, 2004. New synonymies are also established for A. (A.) kashmirense Mavromoustakis, 1937 = A. (A.) nigroventrale Wu, 1982, syn. nov., and A. (A.) florentinum (Fabricius, 1775) = A. (A.) helianthinum Wu, 2004, syn. nov. The non-Chinese Anthidium amabile Alfken, 1933 (junior primary homonym, nec Anthidium porterae var.