
  • Bro Zamora posted an update 11 hours, 28 minutes ago

    Engineering crystal orientation has attracted widespread attention since it is related to the cyclability and rate performance of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Regulating the crystal directional growth with optimal exposed crystal facets is an effective strategy to improve the performance of cathode materials, but still lacks sufficient attention in research field. Herein, we briefly introduce the characterization techniques and identification methods for crystal facets, then summarize and illuminate the major methods for regulating crystal orientation and their internal mechanism. Furthermore, the optimization strategies for layered-, spinel-, and olivine-structure cathodes are discussed based on the characteristic of crystal structure, and the relationship between exposure of special crystal facets and lithium storage performance is deeply analyzed, which could guide the rational design of cathodes for LIBs.Deinococcus radiodurans is a spherical bacterium well-known for its outstanding resistance to DNA-damaging agents. Exposure to such agents leads to drastic changes in the transcriptome of D. radiodurans. In particular, four Deinococcus-specific genes, known as DNA Damage Response genes, are strongly up-regulated and have been shown to contribute to the resistance phenotype of D. radiodurans. One of these, DdrC, is expressed shortly after exposure to γ-radiation and is rapidly recruited to the nucleoid. In vitro, DdrC has been shown to compact circular DNA, circularize linear DNA, anneal complementary DNA strands and protect DNA from nucleases. To shed light on the possible functions of DdrC in D. radiodurans, we determined the crystal structure of the domain-swapped DdrC dimer at a resolution of 2.5 Å and further characterized its DNA binding and compaction properties. Notably, we show that DdrC bears two asymmetric DNA binding sites located on either side of the dimer and can modulate the topology and level of compaction of circular DNA. These findings suggest that DdrC may be a DNA damage-induced nucleoid-associated protein that enhances nucleoid compaction to limit the dispersion of the fragmented genome and facilitate DNA repair after exposure to severe DNA damaging conditions.G-quadruplexes (G4s) are well known non-canonical DNA secondary structures that can form in human cells. Most of the tools available to investigate G4-biology rely on small molecule ligands that stabilise these structures. However, the development of probes that disrupt G4s is equally important to study their biology. In this study, we investigated the disruption of G4s using Locked Nucleic Acids (LNA) as invader probes. We demonstrated that strategic positioning of LNA-modifications within short oligonucleotides (10 nts.) can significantly accelerate the rate of G4-disruption. Single-molecule experiments revealed that short LNA-probes can promote disruption of G4s with mechanical stability sufficient to stall polymerases. We corroborated this using a single-step extension assay, revealing that short LNA-probes can relieve replication dependent polymerase-stalling at G4 sites. We further demonstrated the potential of such LNA-based probes to study G4-biology in cells. By using a dual-luciferase assay, we found that short LNA probes can enhance the expression of c-KIT to levels similar to those observed when the c-KIT promoter is mutated to prevent the formation of the c-KIT1 G4. Collectively, our data suggest a potential use of rationally designed LNA-modified oligonucleotides as an accessible chemical-biology tool for disrupting individual G4s and interrogating their biological functions in cells.For more than three decades, Ionis Pharmaceutics has pursued the challenging mission of creating a new platform for drug discovery. To overcome the numerous challenges faced required the integration of innovation across many scientific areas, despite many disappointments and failures. The approaches implemented to create and maintain a scientific environment to achieve the mission demanded the rigorous practice of science over three decades. The approaches taken are discussed in this perspective.Mesophyll conductance (gm ) limits photosynthesis by restricting CO2 diffusion between the substomatal cavities and chloroplasts. Although it is known that gm is determined by both leaf anatomical and biochemical traits, their relative contribution across plant functional types (PFTs) is still unclear. We compiled a dataset of gm measurements and concomitant leaf traits in unstressed plants comprising 563 studies and 617 species from all major PFTs. We investigated to what extent gm limits photosynthesis across PFTs, how gm relates to structural, anatomical, biochemical, and physiological leaf properties, and whether these relationships differ among PFTs. We found that gm imposes a significant limitation to photosynthesis in all C3 PFTs, ranging from 10-30% in most herbaceous annuals to 25-50% in woody evergreens. Anatomical leaf traits explained a significant proportion of the variation in gm (R2  > 0.3) in all PFTs except annual herbs, in which gm is more strongly related to biochemical factors associated with leaf nitrogen and potassium content. Our results underline the need to elucidate mechanisms underlying the global variability of gm . We emphasise the underestimated potential of gm for improving photosynthesis in crops and identify modifications in leaf biochemistry as the most promising pathway for increasing gm in these species.Atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis (AAT) is a type of autoimmune thyroiditis that causes hypothyroidism without thyroid enlargement. AAT is distinguished from Hashimoto’s disease (HD) by the absence of thyroid enlargement. AAT is rare in children and clinically characterized by severe primary hypothyroidism. Autoimmune thyroiditis, especially HD, is commonly complicated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Here, we reported the patient with AAT as the initial presentation of SLE complicated with generalized myxedema, whose presentation was a diagnostic challenge. This patient illustrates the importance of the early recognition of an atypical presentation of SLE patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. It is possible that similar cases have existed in the past but have been overlooked as HD. A large scale study is necessary to clarify the reality of AAT in SLE.Fusarium solani, one of the main pathogenic fungi involved in apple replant disease (ARD), is a serious threat to apple growth and development. Dopamine and tyrosine decarboxylase (TyDC), a key enzyme in the dopamine synthesis pathway, have been reported to play an active role in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, but little is known about the functions of dopamine and Malus domestica TyDC (MdTyDC) in the interaction between F. BI-2493 solani and apple roots. In this study, seedlings treated with exogenous dopamine and apple plants overexpressing MdTyDC were inoculated with F. solani; both treatments reduced the root system damage caused by F. solani. After inoculation with F. solani, exogenous dopamine increased dopamine content in the seedlings; alleviated the inhibition of biomass accumulation; increased root metabolic activity, photosynthetic efficiency, and antioxidant enzyme activities; reduced reactive oxygen species accumulation; and upregulated the expression of genes encoding chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, and pathogenesis-related proteins. Similar results were observed in MdTyDC-overexpressing apple plants. In addition, the overexpression of MdTyDC increased tyramine content and the deposition of cell wall-bound amines in roots. Overall, our results reveal that exogenous dopamine and overexpression of MdTyDC enhance apple resistance to F. solani, which is an important application for the prevention of ARD.Botrytis is an important genus of plant pathogens causing pre- and postharvest disease on diverse crops worldwide. This study evaluated Botrytis isolates collected from strawberry, blueberry, and table grape berries in California. Isolates were evaluated for resistance to eight different fungicides, and 60 amplicon markers were sequenced (neutral, species identification, and fungicide resistance associated) distributed across 15 of the 18 B. cinerea chromosomes. Fungicide resistance was common among the populations, with resistance to pyraclostrobin and boscalid being most frequent. Isolates from blueberry had resistance to the least number of fungicides, whereas isolates from strawberry had resistance to the highest number. Host and fungicide resistance-specific population structure explained 12 and 7 to 26%, respectively, of the population variability observed. Fungicide resistance was the major driver for population structure, with select fungicides explaining up to 26% and multiple fungicide resistance explaining 17% of the variability observed. Shared and unique significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with host and fungicide (fluopyram, thiabendazole, pyraclostrobin, and fenhexamid) resistance-associated population structures were identified. Although overlap between host and fungicide resistance SNPs were detected, unique SNPs suggest that both host and fungicide resistance play an important role in Botrytis population structure.Nutrient loading from conventional row-crop production systems impairs surface waterbodies in the mid-southern United States. This study was conducted to determine whether minimum tillage and winter cover crops can decrease nutrient loading in surface runoff from conventionally tilled row-crop fields. The effects of winter cover crops and minimum tillage on N and P loading from a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation system were investigated on production fields in northwestern Mississippi using a split-field approach. As measured at the edge of the field, minimum tillage with cover crops had no effect on surface runoff from production fields regarding N or P loading (p > .10 for all nutrient loads), discharge (p > .10), or loss of suspended solids (p > .10). Minimum tillage and cover crops decreased sediment and nutrient concentrations in runoff for total N (p = .05) and total P (p = .09) but had no effect on other nutrients of interest. Although these practices decreased total N concentration by 36% in surface runoff to receiving waters, this reduction was only seen when aboveground cover crop biomass was present (p = .07). Regardless of the time of year, minimum tillage with cover crops decreased total P concentration in surface runoff by 27% (p = .09). These data indicate that it is unlikely that minimum tillage and cover crops will affect N and P loading while transitioning to a conservation production system in the mid-southern United States.

    The purpose of the current study is to examine college student status (international vs. domestic) across alcohol social norms perception.

    Undergraduates (

     = 3081) were recruited for the study. Most participants were female (69.9%) and White (98.2%), with the average age of participants was 19.97 (

     = 1.61). Approximately 17.3% (

     = 534) of the students were international (i.e., nonresident alien who are in the US for a bachelor’s degree). It is a cross-sectional study.

    International students reported significantly lower social norms than domestic students. International students in later college years reported norms closer to domestic students. International women endorsed social norms at a higher level than international men.

    Assimilation into U.S. drinking culture may be linked with increased support of drinking norms among International students. This study shows the importance of incorporating drinking norms prevention strategy and cultural diversity awareness training to increase international students’ knowledge and prevent misconceptions.