
  • Paul Kaae posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Strawberry fruit has a short shelf life. If stored at ambient temperature only lasts 1 day, so it needs to be dried into a frozen product so that its shelf life is longer. Frozen products are favored by consumers because they still have properties like fresh fruit. This study was aimed at examining the physical and sensory characteristics of new frozen products from strawberries. The research sample was freeze-dried at 3 variations of the heating plate temperature were 40, 50, and 60 °C and 3 variations of the drying time were 24, 36, and 48 h. The research parameters observed were weight loss, water content, texture, color, aroma, and taste. The results showed that the freeze-vacuum drying process has a significant influence on the parameters of weight loss, moisture content, texture, and color of frozen strawberries, but does not influence significantly to aroma and taste. The highest weight loss and evaporation were obtained at 60 °C and 48 h of drying time. Frozen strawberries most preferred by panelists are those that are freeze-dried at 50 °C and a drying time of 36 h because they have aroma and flavor that seem fresh strawberries.Fuels have important effects on the quality parameters of engines such as noise pollution and vibration. Diesel fuel are used in wide range of applications especially in compression ignition engines. The objective of the present research is evaluation of the noise emitted from a single-cylinder diesel engine using magnetized biodiesel-diesel fuel blends. In general, samples were provided with different percentages of the biodiesel-diesel blends as diesel (100, 95, 90, and 80%) and biodiesel (0, 5, 10, and 20%) by applying magnetic field (0, 5300 and 7000 G) to fuel line known as DxByMz. The measurements were done on a power tiller engine at a 10 cm distance from driver ear with three replications. The statistical approach in time domain and signal processing in frequency domain were applied for data analysis. The results of the variance analysis approved significant differences between the studied fuel blends and magnetic levels at 1% probability level. The highest and lowest average value of sound pressure level was corresponded to D100B0M0 and D80B20M5300, respectively. The results in frequency domain showed that the maximum sound pressure level values were in the frequency range of 31.5-200 Hz for all fuel blends and magnetic levels. The frequencies related to the maximum sound values varied by changing biodiesel percent and magnetic level.Digital signage is widely utilized in digital-out-of-home (DOOH) advertising for marketing and business. Recently, the combination of the digital camera and digital signage enables the advertiser to gather the audience demographic for audience measurement. Audience measurement is useful for the advertiser to understand the audience’s behavior and improve their business strategies. When an audience is facing the digital display, the vision-based DOOH system will process the audience’s face and broadcast a personalized advertisement. Most of the digital signage is available in an uncontrolled environment of public areas. Thus, it poses two main challenges for the vision-based DOOH system to track the audience’s movement, which are multiple adjacent faces and occlusion by passer-by. In this paper, a new framework is proposed to combine the digital signage with a depth camera for tracking multi-face in the three-dimensional (3D) environment. The proposed framework extracts the audience’s face centroid position (x, y) and depth information (z) and plots into the aerial map to simulate the audience’s movement that is corresponding to the real-world environment. The advertiser can further measure the advertising effectiveness through the audience’s behavior.In this paper, we reported the extraction process of five different flowering plants utilizing different dye extraction methods and solvents (ethanol and water) to choose the best dye removal process. The FTIR spectra revealed the presence of several clear functional groups for all five natural dyes. The analytical studies such as UV spectroscopy, column chromatography, and vacuum evaporation were performed to isolate the dyes from their solutions. The UV-Vis studies on the pigments of flower extracts indicated broad absorption peaks in the visible region including clear bandgaps. Among the studied pigments, Alternanthera ficoidea showed the lowest direct bandgap of 1.69 eV and an Urbach energy value of 6.33 meV. The dye extraction yield rate improvement was extended from 11.7 to 24.7% (water solvent) and 11.3-32.4% (ethanol solvent). check details Throughout the studies, it was observed that ethanol produced a better extraction for organic dyes than water as a solvent. Aging studies revealed that all the dyes at the room temperature showed better stability with minor changes in the observed optical parameters in oxygen-rich conditions; however, these parameters have shown significant variations at a 60 °C temperature.Vaccination is the second most effective health measure to maintain public health and prevent diseases after providing safe drinking water. This study aimed to determine the geographical distribution of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) in Qom Province in four years (2015-2018) using Geographic Information System (GIS). In this cross-sectional study, the indicators of VPDs surveillance were extracted from the VPDs surveillance system at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Qom University of Medical Sciences. They were further evaluated, and the incidences of VPDs in the study years were investigated. Finally, the spatial distribution map of VPDs was provided for surveillance quality in each Qom district by Arc GIS 10.3 software. The annual incidence rate (AIR) was estimated to be 18.47 for hepatitis B, 0.29 for measles, 0.13 for rubella, 0.09 for pertussis, 0.29 for diphtheria and 0.91 for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). The highest incidences of AFP, rubella and measles were observed in Markazi district. Salafchegan was a district with the highest incidence of diphtheria, and the highest incidence rate of hepatitis B was observed in Khalajestan district. In addition, all pertussis cases were reported from Qom city. According to thematic maps of GIS, the annual incidence rate of VPDs in Qom Province was lower than the mean rate in Iran. Nevertheless, it is highly recommended that a high immunization coverage should be done in the childhood and good surveillance indicators such as non-disease discarded rate, and the proportion of suspected cases with an adequate investigation should be used to monitor VPDs.