
  • Mitchell Stallings posted an update 1 day, 5 hours ago

    Demographics, educational background and English as a first language appeared to have an influence on understanding.Conclusion Patients had a varied understanding of terminology. Incorrect interpretation of words may lead to ill-informed decision-making or unnecessary concern. It is essential that challenging terminology is identified and explained at an understandable level.New materials are continuously being developed and advanced for the provision of partial dentures. However, the rate at which they are developing makes it hard for the clinician to discern which would be worth adopting into their practice.This paper looks at some of those materials, including the earlier alternatives to conventional acrylic resins, polyamides and acetal resin, followed by a review of the newer novel polymers that are currently in use, including aryl-ketone-polymers and the polymer group polyaryletherketones.The newer polymers have many similarities, in both properties and aesthetics, such as increased elasticity that allows the dentures to engage deeper undercuts, while maintaining high strength. A significant benefit of the novel polymers is in their ability to fit into a digital workflow. Computer-aided design and manufacture confer a high degree of consistency, efficiency and accuracy in the prosthesis. The ability to use precise digital tools to create frameworks and clasps of accurate parameters limits the introduction of technical error that has the potential to be introduced in the construction of a conventional cobalt-chrome framework.The novel high-performance polymers show great promise. Research is needed on these materials investigating the effects on oral health, longevity and survival of the appliances, as well as studies looking at patient satisfaction and the impact on quality of life.Tray tooth bleaching involves the use of carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray to bleach teeth. One of the most difficult stains to bleach is tetracycline. This paper will present several different patient situations of tetracycline-stained teeth being bleached and will discuss the benefits and limitations of bleaching tetracycline-stained teeth. By providing the patient with realistic potential outcomes of bleaching, as well as the preservation of tooth structure and cost-benefit ratio of bleaching compared to veneers or crowns, the chance for a successful acceptance of the outcome is better, even if the outcome is less than ideal. Bleaching before prosthodontic treatment can also provide a better outcome for subsequent veneers or crowns if that is possible, but sensitivity may preclude bleaching.The gender balance on boards is an important issue because any imbalance represents gender inequality and is not acceptable. We describe data that we have gathered on the current balance of the UK dental boards and then outline potential ways forward to address any imbalance.Species-rich plant communities can produce twice as much aboveground biomass as monocultures, but the mechanisms remain unresolved. We tested whether plant-soil feedbacks (PSFs) can help explain these biodiversity-productivity relationships. find more Using a 16-species, factorial field experiment we found that plants created soils that changed subsequent plant growth by 27% and that this effect increased over time. When incorporated into simulation models, these PSFs improved predictions of plant community growth and explained 14% of overyielding. Here we show quantitative, field-based evidence that diversity maintains productivity by suppressing plant disease. Though this effect alone was modest, it helps constrain the role of factors, such as niche partitioning, that have been difficult to quantify. This improved understanding of biodiversity-productivity relationships has implications for agriculture, biofuel production and conservation.

    Over the last 50 years, occupational exposure to carcinogenic agents has been widely regulated in France.

    Report population-attributable fraction (PAF) and number of attributable cancer cases linked to occupational exposure in France based on an updated method to estimate lifetime occupational exposure prevalence.

    Population-level prevalence of lifetime exposure to ten carcinogenic agents (asbestos, benzene, chromium VI, diesel engine exhaust, formaldehyde, nickel compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, silica dust, trichloroethylene, wood dust) and two occupational circumstances (painters and rubber industry workers) were estimated using the French Census linked with MATGÉNÉ job-exposure matrices and French occupational surveys. PAF and number of attributable cancer cases were calculated using the estimated prevalence, relative risks from systematic review and national estimates of cancer incidence in 2017.

    The lifetime occupational exposure prevalences were much higher in men than in women rangs in France is linked to carcinogens in occupational settings. Our method provides more precise estimates of attributable cancer taking into account evolution of exposure to occupational agents by sex, age and time. This methodology can be easily replicated using cross-sectional occupational data to aid priority making and implementation of prevention strategies in the workplace.A detailed knowledge of gene function in the monarch butterfly is still lacking. Here we generate a genome assembly from a Mexican nonmigratory population and used RNA-seq data from 14 biological samples for gene annotation and to construct an atlas portraying the breadth of gene expression during most of the monarch life cycle. Two thirds of the genes show expression changes, with long noncoding RNAs being particularly finely regulated during adulthood, and male-biased expression being four times more common than female-biased. The two portions of the monarch heterochromosome Z, one ancestral to the Lepidoptera and the other resulting from a chromosomal fusion, display distinct association with sex-biased expression, reflecting sample-dependent incompleteness or absence of dosage compensation in the ancestral but not the novel portion of the Z. This study presents extended genomic and transcriptomic resources that will facilitate a better understanding of the monarch’s adaptation to a changing environment.