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    analysis demonstrated that the strategic objectives of development of hospital-replacing technologies should be targeted to develop financial stability of health care, active position of the heads managers of health care institutions and medical organizations and introduction of innovations if needed. It is necessary to develop modern management methods, rational application of health care resources, implementation of economic incentives in all components of health care system, ensure functioning of the system, including effective contract.The diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue, despite the constantly improving methods of their diagnosis and treatment, continue to widespread in the population of the Russian Federation. Consequently, it is relevant to develop evidence-based measures of improving dermatological medical care for the population. The purpose of study is to develop and substantiate proposals for improving specialized medical care of patients with chronic dermatitis in megalopolis. The questionnaire survey of 412 patients with chronic dermatitis, residing in Moscow, and 197 dermatovenerologists from Moscow state medical institutions was carried out. The measures of improving dermatological medical care were proposed. The study identified lacking of adequate provision of therapeutic and preventive medical care of patients with chronic dermatitis and their relatively low medical activity. The article substantiates proposals for improving of organization and provision of dermatological medical care, provided by medical and organizational activities for patients and doctors. To select the optimal strategy for patients with chronic dermatitis, the appropriate algorithm was developed that included four consecutive stages initial examination of patient; patient records filling in with data of additional laboratory diagnosis; prescription of drug and non-drug therapy; conducting of preventive courses of drug therapy and prescription of SPA-treatment. The results of study inputted into identification of risks associated with provision of specialized medical care in area of Dermatovenerology and medical activity of patients including subsequent development of proposals for their elimination.The article considers the role of interdepartmental cooperation in modernization of health sector at the regional level exemplified by Mari El Republic. Based on data of study monitoring, the dynamics of medical and demographic indicators are determined. Over the past five years, life expectancy increased, patient satisfaction with medical care increased. Its accessibility increased in rural areas. The primary health care is provided in 49 outpatient clinics and in 207 paramedic and midwifery centers, that meets the established standards. Against this background, the birth continues decreasing of birth rate and increasing of mortality because of diseases of blood circulation system and neoplasms. PTX inhibitor mw In order to more thoroughly study the state of health care and and taking into account requirements of the National Health Care Project, the sociological survey of two categories of respondents (patients and medical staff of the district hospital) was carried out. The indicators of demographic development are restrained by negative alterations in demographic structure of population, its aging and regressivity, decreasing of percentage of women of most active reproductive age and high mortality of men of able-bodied age. The social partnership of interested bodies and organizations involved in the reform and improvement of health care system can reduce severity of the above-mentioned problems. Statistical monitoring of implementation of requirements to accessibility and quality of medical care was carried out. The article presents original scheme of interaction between twelve ministries and departments of the Republic. The proposals of to improve quality and accessibility of medical care, the prestige of medical profession and implementation of healthy lifestyles are proposed.The maternal and child welfare system development is the priority target for state social policy. The strategic objectives of health care are targeted to preserving health of mother and child and are implemented through complex activities of various state institutions of maternity and childhood protection system with predominant focus on medical social and economic efficiency. The purpose of study is sociological hygienic evaluation of actual state of maternity and childhood health protection system at the Trans-Baikal Territory. The study used sanitary-statistical, sociological, structural, organizational, expert methods. The estimation of reliability of difference of dependent samples with qualitative indicators was carried out on the basis of the calculation of the non-parametric Cochran test. According to the results of expert assessment, the most significant problem areas in the system of maternity and childhood health protection at the regional level were identified material and technical equipment of medical organizations, scarce staffing of medical organizations, lack of legal regulation, inadequate organization of medical care of children within the framework of implementation of procedures of provision of medical care, limited availability of medical care, declarative nature of the order of interdepartmental interaction of medical organizations with state social institutions in the system of maternal and child health protection. The established problem areas have negative impact on medical and demographic indicators, coefficients of health of the population in the region and result in decreasing in medical, social and economic efficiency of health care system. The current situation requires adoption of organizational and managerial decisions by executive authorities.The article presents the results of study targeted to assessing the level of awareness of students about HIV-infection. On the basis of analysis of publications data, it was established that students of the Russian universities are generally informed about ways of transmission HIV-infection and means and measures of its prevention. It was demonstrated that Russian students are not sufficiently aware of the clinical manifestations of HIV-infection, they do not fully understand the danger of HIV infection as a fatal disease, and often experience phobias against persons living with HIV-infection. The article presented the results of empirical survey of students of the Cherepovets State University (n = 103). The methods of research included statistical analysis, questionnaire, Spirman’s rank correlation coefficient. It was established that majority of respondents underestimate the risk of HIV-infection and lack reliable information about prevalence of HIV-infection in the territory of residence. The correlation analysis demonstrated that information about HIV-infection is more significant for students who believe that HIV-infection can concern them.