Enevoldsen Foldager posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago
The same interaction pattern was observed in the activation of the right thalamus for reward versus punishment cues. This study provided evidence for interaction of chronic cannabis use and schizophrenia on reward processing and highlights the need for future research addressing the significance of this interaction for the pathophysiology of these conditions and its clinical consequences.We present the TüEyeQ data set – to the best of our knowledge – the most comprehensive data set generated on a culture fair intelligence test (CFT 20-R), i.e., an IQ Test, consisting of 56 single tasks, taken by 315 individuals aged between 18 and 30 years. In addition to socio-demographic and educational information, the data set also includes the eye movements of the individuals while taking the IQ test. Along with distributional information we also highlight the potential for predictive analysis on the TüEyeQ data set and report the most important covariates for predicting the performance of a participant on a given task along with their influence on the prediction.RNA in extracellular vesicles (EVs) are uptaken by cells, where they regulate fundamental cellular functions. EV-derived mRNA in recipient cells can be translated. However, it is still elusive whether “naked nonvesicular extracellular mRNA” (nex-mRNA) that are not packed in EVs can be uptaken by cells and, if so, whether they have any functions in recipient cells. Here, we show the entrance of nex-mRNA in the nucleus, where they exert a translation-independent function. Human nex-interleukin-1β (IL1β)-mRNA outside cells proved to be captured by RNA-binding zinc finger CCCH domain containing protein 12D (ZC3H12D)-expressing human natural killer (NK) cells. ZC3H12D recruited to the cell membrane binds to the 3′-untranslated region of nex-IL1β-mRNA and transports it to the nucleus. The nex-IL1β-mRNA in the NK cell nucleus upregulates antiapoptotic gene expression, migration activity, and interferon-γ production, leading to the killing of cancer cells and antimetastasis in mice. These results implicate the diverse actions of mRNA.SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, has caused a global pandemic. Antibodies can be powerful biotherapeutics to fight viral infections. CY-09 Here, we use the human apoferritin protomer as a modular subunit to drive oligomerization of antibody fragments and transform antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2 into exceptionally potent neutralizers. Using this platform, half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values as low as 9 × 10-14 M are achieved as a result of up to 10,000-fold potency enhancements compared to corresponding IgGs. Combination of three different antibody specificities and the fragment crystallizable (Fc) domain on a single multivalent molecule conferred the ability to overcome viral sequence variability together with outstanding potency and IgG-like bioavailability. The MULTi-specific, multi-Affinity antiBODY (Multabody or MB) platform thus uniquely leverages binding avidity together with multi-specificity to deliver ultrapotent and broad neutralizers against SARS-CoV-2. The modularity of the platform also makes it relevant for rapid evaluation against other infectious diseases of global health importance. Neutralizing antibodies are a promising therapeutic for SARS-CoV-2.Ultrafast motion of molecules, particularly the coherent motion, has been intensively investigated as a key factor guiding the reaction pathways. Recently, X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) have been utilized to elucidate the ultrafast motion of molecules. However, the studies on proteins using XFELs have been typically limited to the crystalline phase, and proteins in solution have rarely been investigated. Here we applied femtosecond time-resolved X-ray solution scattering (fs-TRXSS) and a structure refinement method to visualize the ultrafast motion of a protein. We succeeded in revealing detailed ultrafast structural changes of homodimeric hemoglobin involving the coherent motion. In addition to the motion of the protein itself, the time-dependent change of electron density of the hydration shell was tracked. Besides, the analysis on the fs-TRXSS data of myoglobin allows for observing the effect of the oligomeric state on the ultrafast coherent motion.Organic photodetectors displaying efficient photoelectric response in the near-infrared are typically based on narrow bandgap active materials. Unfortunately, the latter require complex molecular design to ensure sufficient light absorption in the near-infrared region. Here, we show a method combining an unconventional device architecture and ad-hoc supramolecular self-assembly to trigger the emergence of opto-electronic properties yielding to remarkably high near-infrared response using a wide bandgap material as active component. Our optimized vertical phototransistors comprising a network of supramolecular nanowires of N,N’-dioctyl-3,4,9,10-perylenedicarboximide sandwiched between a monolayer graphene bottom-contact and Au nanomesh scaffold top-electrode exhibit ultrasensitive light response to monochromatic light from visible to near-infrared range, with photoresponsivity of 2 × 105 A/W and 1 × 102 A/W, at 570 nm and 940 nm, respectively, hence outperforming devices based on narrow bandgap materials. Moreover, these devices also operate as highly sensitive photoplethysmography tool for health monitoring.Photoreceptors are conserved in green algae to land plants and regulate various developmental stages. In the ocean, blue light penetrates deeper than red light, and blue-light sensing is key to adapting to marine environments. Here, a search for blue-light photoreceptors in the marine metagenome uncover a chimeric gene composed of a phytochrome and a cryptochrome (Dualchrome1, DUC1) in a prasinophyte, Pycnococcus provasolii. DUC1 detects light within the orange/far-red and blue spectra, and acts as a dual photoreceptor. Analyses of its genome reveal the possible mechanisms of light adaptation. Genes for the light-harvesting complex (LHC) are duplicated and transcriptionally regulated under monochromatic orange/blue light, suggesting P. provasolii has acquired environmental adaptability to a wide range of light spectra and intensities.