
  • Thompson Jessen posted an update 1 week, 6 days ago

    We also know that the level and quality of integration of technology and innovations varied from place to place. These might be described as heterogeneity of integration, which was further a reflection of inequity in development and advancements in medical education in different parts of the world. This piece includes our reflections on how technology sustained medical education in the most critical times and the lessons learned.Many species of birds incorporate feathers into their nest as structural support and to insulate the eggs or offspring. Here, we investigated the novel idea that birds reduce the risk of nest usurpation by decorating it with feathers to trigger a fear response in their rivals. We let prospecting birds choose between a dyad of nest-boxes in the wild, both containing some nest materials, but where one had a few white feathers and the other had none. All three species of cavity-nesting birds studied, the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, and the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor, hesitated to enter boxes with white feathers. A similar avoidance of white feathers was found when the alternative nest-box of a dyad held black feathers. However, the birds readily collected white feathers that we placed in front of their nest-box, showing the fear of such feathers was context-dependent. We suggest that naive prospecting birds may perceive feathers in nests as the result of a predation event, and that owners decorate nests with bright feathers that can be seen from the opening to deter others from entering.Impaired face recognition for certain face categories, such as faces of other species or other age class faces, is known in both humans and non-human primates. A previous study found that it is more difficult for chimpanzees to differentiate infant faces than adult faces. Infant faces of chimpanzees differ from adult faces in shape and colour, but the latter is especially a salient cue for chimpanzees. Therefore, impaired face differentiation of infant faces may be due to a specific colour. In the present study, we investigated which feature of infant faces has a greater effect on face identification difficulty. Adult chimpanzees were tested using a matching-to-sample task with four types of face stimuli whose shape and colour were manipulated as either infant or adult one independently. Chimpanzees’ discrimination performance decreased as they matched faces with infant coloration, regardless of the shape. This study is the first to demonstrate the impairment effect of infantile coloration on face recognition in non-human primates, suggesting that the face recognition strategies of humans and chimpanzees overlap as both species show proficient face recognition for certain face colours.The human voice is a primary channel for emotional communication. It is often presumed that being able to recognize vocal emotions is important for everyday socio-emotional functioning, but evidence for this assumption remains scarce. Here, we examined relationships between vocal emotion recognition and socio-emotional adjustment in children. The sample included 141 6- to 8-year-old children, and the emotion tasks required them to categorize five emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, plus neutrality), as conveyed by two types of vocal emotional cues speech prosody and non-verbal vocalizations such as laughter. Socio-emotional adjustment was evaluated by the children’s teachers using a multidimensional questionnaire of self-regulation and social behaviour. Based on frequentist and Bayesian analyses, we found that, for speech prosody, higher emotion recognition related to better general socio-emotional adjustment. This association remained significant even when the children’s cognitive ability, age, sex and parental education were held constant. Follow-up analyses indicated that higher emotional prosody recognition was more robustly related to the socio-emotional dimensions of prosocial behaviour and cognitive and behavioural self-regulation. For emotion recognition in non-verbal vocalizations, no associations with socio-emotional adjustment were found. A similar null result was obtained for an additional task focused on facial emotion recognition. Overall, these results support the close link between children’s emotional prosody recognition skills and their everyday social behaviour.Cross-sectional studies are widely prevalent since they are more feasible to conduct compared with longitudinal studies. However, cross-sectional data lack the temporal information required to study the evolution of the underlying dynamics. This temporal information is essential to develop predictive computational models, which is the first step towards causal modelling. We propose a method for inferring computational models from cross-sectional data using Langevin dynamics. This method can be applied to any system where the data-points are influenced by equal forces and are in (local) equilibrium. The inferred model will be valid for the time span during which this set of forces remains unchanged. The result is a set of stochastic differential equations that capture the temporal dynamics, by assuming that groups of data-points are subject to the same free energy landscape and amount of noise. This is a ‘baseline’ method that initiates the development of computational models and can be iteratively enhanced through the inclusion of domain expert knowledge as demonstrated in our results. Our method shows significant predictive power when compared against two population-based longitudinal datasets. The proposed method can facilitate the use of cross-sectional datasets to obtain an initial estimate of the underlying dynamics of the respective systems.Accessibility is a key aspect for the presentation of research data. In palaeontology, new data is routinely obtained with computational techniques, such as finite-element analysis (FEA). FEA is used to calculate stress and deformation in objects when subjected to external forces. Results are displayed using contour plots in which colour information is used to convey the underlying biomechanical data. The Rainbow colour map is nearly exclusively used for these contour plots in palaeontological studies. However, numerous studies in other disciplines have shown the Rainbow map to be problematic due to uneven colour representation and its inaccessibility for those with colour vision deficiencies. Here, different colour maps were tested for their accuracy in representing values of FEA models. Differences in stress magnitudes (ΔS) and colour values (ΔE) of subsequent points from the FEA models were compared and their correlation was used as a measure of accuracy. The results confirm that the Rainbow colour map is not well suited to represent the underlying stress distribution of FEA models with other colour maps showing a higher discriminative power. As the performance of the colour maps varied with tested scenarios/stress types, it is recommended to use different colour maps for specific purposes.The human foot is considered to be morphologically adapted for habitual bipedal locomotion. However, how the mobility and mechanical interaction of the human foot with the ground under a weight-bearing condition differ from those of African great apes is not well understood. We compared three-dimensional (3D) bone kinematics of cadaver feet under axial loading of humans and African great apes using a biplanar X-ray fluoroscopy system. The calcaneus was everted and the talus and tibia were internally rotated in the human foot, but such coupling motion was much smaller in the feet of African great apes, possibly due to the difference in morphology of the foot bones and articular surfaces. This study also found that the changes in the length of the longitudinal arch were larger in the human foot than in the feet of chimpanzees and gorillas, indicating that the human foot is more deformable, possibly to allow storage and release of the elastic energy during locomotion. The coupling motion of the calcaneus and the tibia, and the larger capacity to be flattened due to axial loading observed in the human foot are possibly morphological adaptations for habitual bipedal locomotion that has evolved in the human lineage.Exercise is recommended to promote health and prevent a range of diseases. However, how exercise precipitates these benefits is unclear, nor do we understand why exercise responses differ so widely between individuals. Nuciferine We investigate how climbing ability in Drosophila melanogaster changes in response to an exercise treatment. We find extensive variation in baseline climbing ability and exercise-induced changes ranging from -13% to +20% in climbing ability. Climbing ability, and its exercise-induced change, is sex- and genotype-dependent. GWASs implicate ‘cell-cell signalling’ genes in the control of climbing ability. We also find that animal activity does not predict climbing ability and that the exercise-induced climbing ability change cannot be predicted from the activity level induced by the exercise treatment. These results provide promising new avenues for further research into the molecular pathways controlling climbing activity and illustrate the complexities involved in trying to predict individual responses to exercise.Asian honeybees use an impressive array of strategies to protect nests from hornet attacks, although little is understood about how antipredator signals coordinate defences. We compared vibroacoustic signalling and defensive responses of Apis cerana colonies that were attacked by either the group-hunting giant hornet Vespa soror or the smaller, solitary-hunting hornet Vespa velutina. Apis cerana colonies produced hisses, brief stop signals and longer pipes under hornet-free conditions. However, hornet-attack stimuli-and V. soror workers in particular-triggered dramatic increases in signalling rates within colonies. Soundscapes were cacophonous when V. soror predators were directly outside of nests, in part because of frenetic production of antipredator pipes, a previously undescribed signal. Antipredator pipes share acoustic traits with alarm shrieks, fear screams and panic calls of primates, birds and meerkats. Workers making antipredator pipes exposed their Nasonov gland, suggesting the potential for multimodal alarm signalling that warns nestmates about the presence of dangerous hornets and assembles workers for defence. Concurrent observations of nest entrances showed an increase in worker activities that support effective defences against giant hornets. Apis cerana workers flexibly employ a diverse alarm repertoire in response to attack attributes, mirroring features of sophisticated alarm calling in socially complex vertebrates.Two green-sensitive spectrofluorometric methods were investigated for assay of rupatadine (RUP) [method I] and its binary mixture with montelukast (MKT) [method II]. Method I depends on measuring native fluorescence of RUP in the presence of 0.10 M H2SO4 and 0.10%w/v sodium dodecyl sulfate at 455 nm after excitation at 277 nm. The range of the first method was 0.20-2.00 µg ml-1 with detection and quantitation limits of 59.00 and 179.00 ng ml-1, respectively. Method II depends on the first derivative synchronous spectrofluorometry. The derivative intensities were measured for the two drugs in an aqueous solution containing Mcllvaine’s buffer pH 2.60 at fixed Δλ of 140 nm. Each drug was estimated at zero-contribution of the other. The intensity was measured at 261 and 371 nm for RUP and MKT, respectively. The method was linear over 0.10-4.00 and 0.20-1.60 µg ml-1 with limits of detection 31.00 and 66.00 ng ml-1 and limits of quantitation 94.00 and 200.00 ng ml-1 for RUP and MKT, respectively. The method was extended to determine this mixture in laboratory-prepared mixtures and combined tablets.