Danielsen Cotton posted an update 4 months, 4 weeks ago
5 months. Thirteen children (9.4%) experienced breakthrough fUTI. On univariate analysis, UDR (p = 0.01) and VURx (p = 0.0005) were associated with breakthrough UTI, while grade (p = 0.09) did not reach significance. Area under the curve was generated as a measure of accuracy for each variable and was 0.77 for VURx, 0.71 for UDR and 0.68 for grade, demonstrating superiority of VURx for predicting breakthrough fUTI. CONCLUSIONS Children with higher VURx are at increased risk for breakthrough febrile UTI independent of reflux grade. VURx provides valuable prognostic information about infection risk facilitating improved clinical decision-making.Background The standard for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus is reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test, but chest CT may play a complimentary role in the early detection of COVID-19 pneumonia. Purpose To investigate CT features of patients with COVID-19 in Rome, Italy, and to compare the accuracy of CT with RT-PCR. Methods In this prospective study from March 4, 2020, until March 19, 2020, consecutive patients with suspected COVID-19 infection and respiratory symptoms were enrolled. Exclusion criteria were chest CT with contrast medium performed for vascular indications, patients who refused chest CT or hospitalization, and severe CT motion artifact. All patients underwent RT-PCR and chest CT. Diagnostic performance of CT was calculated using RT-PCR as reference. Chest CT features were calculated in a subgroup of RT-PCR-positive and CT-positive patients. CT features of hospitalized patients and patient in home isolation were compared by using Pearson chi squared test. Results Our study pophest CT sensitivity was high (97%) but with lower specificity (56%).Hepatitis A represents one of the major public health problems worldwide including India. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent hepatitis A infection. Two types of hepatitis A vaccines-live attenuated (H2 strain) and inactivated (killed) are available for use in clinical practice in India with former having advantage of a single-dose compared to two-dose killed vaccine. One of the important characteristic of an ideal vaccine includes its ability to provide life-long protection. In this article we reviewed the available long-term (≥10 years follow-up) published data on live attenuated hepatitis A (H2 strain) vaccine. The data from country of origin of the vaccine (China) and India establish the long-term immunogenicity, protection, and tolerability. Based on the results of several clinical trials showing long-term protection, single dose of live attenuated hepatitis vaccine can be widely used to protect high-risk population against hepatitis A virus infection and related complications.Introduction In June of 2013, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) suspended its position of strong recommendation for the routine immunization of young girls against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) because of reports of adverse reactions after the vaccination. For the next four years, the MHLW’s website warned about the significance of these adverse events. In January of 2018, MHLW’s website was modified to reflect a less negative stance. We have studied public awareness of MHLW’s revised leaflet in Japanese women whose daughters were of the targeted age for receiving the HPV vaccine and how this awareness influenced their intentions to get their daughters vaccinated.Materials and Methods From June to December of 2018, a survey was conducted through the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology at 14 different medical facilities. The questionnaire was distributed to women whose daughters were of the HPV-vaccine-targeted age. The survey measured their responses before and after being presented with the 2018-revised MHLW leaflet. Responses from 384 mothers were analyzed.Results Before being presented with the leaflet, the survey found that the percentage of responder’s daughters already vaccinated was 6.5% (24/372). After reading the MHLW leaflet, an additional 6.9% (24/346) responded “I want to get my daughter vaccinated immediately”, and 37.6% (130/346) responded “I have positive feelings about HPV vaccination”.Discussion By presenting the new MHLW leaflet at obstetrics and gynecology facilities, we expect to be able to effectively increase the HPV vaccination rate in Japan.Objective To advance the development of an ideal and sustainable framework agreement for the public procurement of vaccines in Spain, and to agree on the desirable award criteria and their relative weight.Methods A multidisciplinary committee of seven health-care professionals and managers developed a partial multi-criteria decision analysis to determine the award criteria that should be considered and their specific weights for the public procurement of routine vaccines and seasonal influenza vaccines, considering their legal viability. A re-test of the results was carried out. The current situation was analyzed through 118 tender specifications and compared to the ideal framework.Results Price is the prevailing award criterion for the public procurement of both routine (weighting of 60% versus 40% for all other criteria) and influenza (36% versus 64%) vaccines. Ideally, 22 criteria should be considered for routine vaccines, grouped and weighted into five domains efficacy (weighting of 29%), economic aspects (27%), vaccine characteristics (22%), presentation form and packaging (13%), and others (9%). Per criteria set, price was the most important criterion (22%), followed by effectiveness (9%), and composition/formulation (7%). Regarding influenza vaccines, 20 criteria were selected, grouped, and weighted efficacy (29%), economic aspects (25%), vaccine characteristics (20%), presentation form and packaging (16%), and others (11%). Per criteria set, price was also the most relevant criterion (19%), followed by composition/formulation (8%), and effectiveness (8%).Conclusions Contrary to the current approach, technical award criteria should prevail over economic criteria in an ideal and sustainable framework agreement for the public procurement of vaccines.Background Communities across the United States are confronting the precipitous rise in opioid overdose fatalities that has occurred over the past decade. Naloxone, an opioid antagonist, is a safe rescue medication that laypeople can administer to reverse an overdose. Community naloxone training programs have been well-documented. Less is known about overdose survivors’ subjective experiences with naloxone reversal and its impacts on drug use behavior. selleck compound Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 community-dwelling adults who had been reversed at least once with naloxone. Inductive thematic content analysis incorporating Atlas.ti software was used to identify themes. Results Four broad thematic categories were identified. (1) Overdose experience and memory Most participants remembered taking the drugs one minute and waking up the next-sometimes in different surroundings; (2) Naloxone rescue-waking up Participants described acute withdrawal symptoms, disorientation, and volatile emotions; (3) Reasons for overdose Polypharmacy; changes in opioid tolerance, or presence of fentanyl were the most common explanations. (4) Impacts of naloxone rescue A variety of contextual factors influenced participants’ responses to naloxone rescue, especially acute withdrawal symptoms. While some participants altered or tempered their opioid use, others resumed opioid use-especially to mitigate withdrawal. Participants overwhelmingly emphasized that naloxone saved their lives. Conclusion Results suggest that a naloxone rescue may not be a wake-up call for many people who use opioids, but access to naloxone is an effective overdose harm reduction option, supporting its widespread implementation. The study findings underscore the importance of ongoing community overdose prevention and harm reduction initiatives, including take-home naloxone (THN) and medication assisted treatment in the Emergency Department.Synthetic colourants are highly regulated due to their correlation with a variety of health hazards. Regulatory services must be able to detect the substances in a cost-effective, efficient, and sensitive manner. LC-UV and LC-MS/MS methods have been developed to simultaneously detect five illegal colourants in foods, such as citrus red II, diethyl yellow, dimethyl yellow, metanil yellow, and rhodamine B. This method showed good linearity (R2 > 0.99) and low limits of detection (0.09-0.19 mg kg-1) and quantitation (0.26-0.58 mg kg-1). The recoveries at three standard concentration levels ranged between 80.9% and 120%, with relative standard deviations below 12%. The expanded uncertainties determined for the five colourants in three food matrices were 8.2-19.4%. This method was applied to monitor five illegal colourants in imported and domestic beverages, candies, and sauces. None of the five colourants were found in any of the 510 samples. The method is suitable for quantitative analysis of five illegal colourants simultaneously in various foods and can be applied to improve current surveillance and inspection services.Distinct biologic and mechanical attributes of the pediatric skeleton translate into fracture patterns, complications, and treatment dilemmas that differ from those of adults. In children, increasing participation in competitive sports activities has led to an increased incidence of acute injuries that affect the foot and ankle. These injuries represent approximately 13% of all pediatric osseous injuries. Important posttraumatic complications include premature physeal arrest, three-dimensional deformities and consequent articular incongruity, compartment syndrome, and infection. The authors describe normal developmental phenomena and injury mechanisms of the ankle and foot and associated imaging findings; mimics and complications of acute fractures; and dislocations that affect the pediatric ankle and foot. Treatment strategies, whether conservative or surgical, are aimed at restoring articular congruency and functional alignment and, for pediatric patients specifically, protecting the physis. The different types of ankle and foot fractures are described, and the American College of Radiology guidelines used to determine appropriate imaging recommendations for patients who meet the Ottawa ankle and foot rules are discussed. The systems used to classify clinically important fractures, including the Salter-Harris, Dias-Tachdjian, Rapariz, and Hawkins systems, are described, with illustrations that reinforce key concepts. These classification systems aid in diagnosis and treatment planning, facilitate communication, and help standardize documentation and research. This information is intended to supplement radiologists’ understanding of developmental phenomena, anatomic variants, fracture patterns, and associated complications that affect the pediatric foot and ankle. In addition, the role of imaging in ensuring appropriate treatment, follow-up, and patient and parent counseling is highlighted. The online slide presentation from the RSNA Annual Meeting is available for this article. ©RSNA, 2020.Soft-tissue sarcomas in children comprise a heterogeneous group of entities with variable manifestation depending on the age of the patient and the location of the tumor. MRI is the modality of choice for evaluating musculoskeletal soft-tissue tumors and plays a paramount role in both initial diagnosis and assessment of tumor response during and after treatment. Conventional MRI sequences, such as T1- and T2-weighted imaging, offer morphologic information, which is important for localizing the lesion and describing anatomic relationships but not accurate for determining its malignant or benign nature and may be limited in differentiating tumor response from therapy-related changes. Advanced multiparametric MRI offers further functional information that can help with these tasks by using different imaging sequences and biomarkers. The authors present the role of MRI in rhabdomyosarcoma and other soft-tissue sarcomas in children, emphasizing a multiparametric approach with focus on the utility and potential added value of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in characterization and staging, determination of pretreatment extent, and evaluation of tumor response and recurrence after treatment.