Hejlesen Moesgaard posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Herein, unprecedented manganese-catalyzed direct α-alkenylation of amides using alcohols is reported. Aryl amides are reacted with diverse primary alcohols, which provided the α,β-unsaturated amides in moderate to good yields with excellent selectivity. Mechanistic studies indicate that Mn(I) catalyst oxidizes the alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes and also plays an important role in efficient C═C bond formation through aldol condensation. This selective olefination is facilitated by metal-ligand cooperation by the aromatization-dearomatization process operating in the catalytic system. Biorenewable alcohols are used as alkenylation reagents for the challenging α-alkenylation of amides with the highly abundant base metal manganese as a catalyst, which results in water and dihydrogen as the only byproduct, making this catalytic transformation attractive, sustainable, and environmentally benign.Translocator protein 18 kDa [TSPO or peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR)] was identified in the search of binding sites for benzodiazepine anxiolytic drugs in peripheral regions. In these areas, binding sites for TSPO ligands were recognized in steroid-producing tissues. TSPO plays an important role in many cellular functions, and its coding sequence is highly conserved across species. TSPO is located predominantly on the membrane of mitochondria and is overexpressed in several solid cancers. TSPO basal expression in the CNS is low, but it becomes high in neurodegenerative conditions. Thus, TSPO constitutes not only as an outstanding drug target but also as a valuable marker for the diagnosis of a number of diseases. The aim of the present article is to show the lesson we have learned from our activity in TSPO medicinal chemistry and in approaching the targeted delivery to mitochondria by means of TSPO ligands.Recently, a super uranyl binding protein (SUP) was developed, which exhibits excellent sensitivity/selectivity to bind uranyl ions. It can be immobilized onto a surface in sensing devices to detect uranyl ions. Here, sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy was applied to probe the interfacial structures of surface-immobilized SUP. The collected SFG spectra were compared to the calculated orientation-dependent SUP SFG spectra using a one-excitonic Hamiltonian approach based on the SUP crystal structures to deduce the most likely surface-immobilized SUP orientation(s). Furthermore, discrete molecular dynamics (DMD) simulation was applied to refine the surface-immobilized SUP conformations and orientations. The immobilized SUP structures calculated from DMD simulations confirmed the SUP orientations obtained from SFG data analyzed based on the crystal structures and were then used for a new round of SFG orientation analysis to more accurately determine the interfacial orientations and conformations of immobilized SUP before and after uranyl ion binding, providing an in-depth understanding of molecular interactions between SUP and the surface and the effect of uranyl ion binding on the SUP interfacial structures. We believe that the developed method of combining SFG measurements, DMD simulation, and Hamiltonian data analysis approach is widely applicable to study biomolecules at solid/liquid interfaces.A highly correlated combination of the equation-of-motion coupled cluster (EOM-CC) Dyson orbital and the multicentric B-spline time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)-based approach is proposed and implemented within the single-channel approximation to describe molecular photoionization processes. The twofold objective of the approach is to capture interchannel coupling effects, missing in the B-spline DFT treatment, and to explore the response of Dyson orbitals to strong correlation effects and its influence on the photoionization observables. We validate our scheme by computing partial cross sections, branching ratios, asymmetry parameters, and molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions of simple molecules. Finally, the method has been applied to the study of photoelectron spectra of the Ni(C3H5)2 molecule, where giant correlation effects completely destroy the Koopmans picture.Here, we report (C4H9)4NCuCl2 single crystals with a luminous intensity that remains largely the same after soaking in water for 24 h. (CH9)4NCuCl2 has a new type zero-dimensional framework, in which the isolated [CuCl2]- anions are wrapped by organic (C4H9)4N+ cations. As expected, (C4H9)4NCuCl2 shows a broad emission band at 508 nm with a photoluminescence quantum yield of approximately 82% at room temperature, stemming from self-trapped exciton (STE) emission. 3-Methyladenine inhibitor Temperature-dependent photoluminescence measurement reveals that there is an energy barrier ΔE (24.0 meV) between the intrinsic state and STE state, which leads to the increase in emission intensity with an increase in temperature (98-278 K), while the emission intensity begins to decrease when the temperature is higher than 278 K due to the effects of both thermal quenching and carrier scattering. Our findings provide a new idea for the design of lead-free anti-water stability metal halide materials.Plasmonic nanocavities between metal nanoparticles on metal films are either hydrophobic or fully occupied by nonmetallic spacers, preventing molecular diffusion into electromagnetic hotspots. Here we realize water-wettable open plasmonic cavities by devising gold nanoparticle with site-selectively grown ultrathin dielectric layer-on-gold film structures. We directly confirm that hydrophilic dielectric layers of SiO2 or TiO2, which are formed only at the tips of gold nanorod via precise temperature control, render sub-10 nm cavities open to the surroundings and completely water-wettable. Simulations reveal that spontaneous wetting in our cavities is driven by the presence of tip-selective hydrophilic layer and tendency of minimizing high energy air/water interface inside the cavities. Our plasmonic cavities show significant Raman enhancement of up to 4 orders of magnitude higher than those of conventional ones for molecules in various media. Our findings will offer new opportunities for sensing applications of plasmonic nanocavities and have huge impacts on cavity plasmonics.Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. is a high-altitude plant having great medicinal value. However, its medicinal value at the peptide level is still unknown, which limits its utility in the development of peptide-based therapeutics. Here, we identify 65 peptides fromP. kurroa hydrolysate. Sequence analysis suggests that one novel bioactive peptide, ASGLCPEEAVPRR (BP1), has antioxidant potential and shows angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory activities. The molecular docking study showed that BP1 has a lower binding energy and strong affinity toward active pockets of ACE and DPP-IV, which explains its higher ACE [IC50 = 59.90 ± 9.52 μg/mL (43.40 μM)] and DPP-IV [IC50 = 3.04 ± 0.26 μg/mL (2.2 μM)] inhibitory activities. BP1 protects HEK293 cells from H2O2-induced oxidative damage by inhibiting intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde accumulation and activating the intrinsic antioxidant defense system. Additionally, phase-contrast microscopy studies revealed that pre-treatment of BP1 to HEK293 cells before exposure to H2O2 retains the normal morphology and blocks apoptosis. Furthermore, it also suppresses ROS-induced mitochondrial apoptosis via restoring the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and inhibiting caspase 3/7 activity. Therefore, BP1 has antioxidant potential and ACE and DPP-IV inhibitory activities that could be used for peptide-based formulation(s) in pharmaceuticals to treat diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other diseases associated with ROS.(DiMeIHeptCl)Pd, a hyper-branched N-aryl Pd NHC catalyst, has been shown to be efficient at performing amine arylation reactions in solvent-free (“melt”) conditions. The highly lipophilic environment of the alkyl chains flanking the Pd center serves as lubricant to allow the complex to navigate through the paste-like environment of these mixtures. The protocol can be used on a multi-gram scale to make a variety of aniline derivatives, including substrates containing alcohol moieties.A diversity-oriented chemoenzymatic approach for the collective preparation of sulfated core 2 O-GalNAc glycans and their nonsulfated counterparts was described. A sulfated trisaccharide and a nonsulfated trisaccharide were chemically synthesized by combining flexible protected group manipulations and sequential one-pot glycosylations. The divergent enzymatic extension of these two trisaccharides, using a panel of robust glycosyltransferases that can recognize sulfated substrates and differentiating the branches with specifically designed glycosylation sequences to achieve regioselective sialylation, provided 36 structurally well-defined O-GalNAc glycans.The asymmetric hydroboration of alkenes has proven to be among the most powerful methods for the synthesis of chiral boron compounds. This protocol is well suitable for activated alkenes such as vinylarenes and alkenes bearing directing groups. However, the catalytic enantioselective hydroboration of O-substituted alkenes has remained unprecedented. Here we report a Rh-catalyzed enantioselective hydroboration of silyl enol ethers (SEEs) that utilizes two new chiral phosphine ligands we developed. This approach features mild reaction conditions and a broad substrate scope as well as excellent functional group tolerance, and enables highly efficient preparation of synthetically valuable chiral borylethers.Natural gas (NG) produced in Western Canada is a major and growing source of Canada’s energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions portfolio. link2 Despite recent progress, there is still only limited understanding of the sources and drivers of Western Canadian greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We conduct a case study of a production facility based on Seven Generation Energy Ltd.’s Western Canadian operations and an upstream NG emissions intensity model. The case study upstream emissions intensity is estimated to be 3.1-4.0 gCO2e/MJ NG compared to current best estimates of British Columbia (BC) emissions intensities of 6.2-12 gCO2e/MJ NG and a US average estimate of 15 gCO2e/MJ. link3 The analysis reveals that compared to US studies, public GHG emissions data for Western Canada is insufficient as current public data satisfies only 50% of typical LCA model inputs. Company provided data closes most of these gaps (∼80% of the model inputs). We recommend more detailed data collection and presentation of government reported data such as a breakdown of vented and fugitive methane emissions by source. We propose a data collection template to facilitate improved GHG emissions intensity estimates and insight about potential mitigation strategies.Conductive ionenes were synthesized by integrating the electron donor dialkoxynaphthalene (DAN) with the electron acceptor naphthalene diimide (NDI) using the Menshutkin reaction. The crystallinity and morphology of the films of these polymers can be optimized by varying the DAN-to-NDI ratio. These ionenes show strong charge transfer from DAN to NDI, though absent conjugated backbones, affording self-doping polymers with enhanced π-π interactions and excellent electronic properties. This is the first example where an electron donor can dope the electron acceptor in nonconjugated polymers, opening a new avenue for designing efficient interlayer materials. These ionenes markedly modify the electrode interface and promote efficient interfacial self-doping to boost the performance of fullerene-based, non-fullerene-based, and ternary organic solar cells, affording high power conversion efficiencies over a wide range of interlayer thicknesses, from ∼8 to ∼40 nm, with a maximum efficiency of 17.05%.