
  • Shore Byrne posted an update 1 week, 5 days ago

    Sex differences have been observed in multiple facets of cancer epidemiology, treatment and biology, and in most cancers outside the sex organs. Efforts to link these clinical differences to specific molecular features have focused on somatic mutations within the coding regions of the genome. Here we report a pan-cancer analysis of sex differences in whole genomes of 1983 tumours of 28 subtypes as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium. We both confirm the results of exome studies, and also uncover previously undescribed sex differences. These include sex-biases in coding and non-coding cancer drivers, mutation prevalence and strikingly, in mutational signatures related to underlying mutational processes. These results underline the pervasiveness of molecular sex differences and strengthen the call for increased consideration of sex in molecular cancer research.The metabolome includes not just known but also unknown metabolites; however, metabolite annotation remains the bottleneck in untargeted metabolomics. Ion mobility – mass spectrometry (IM-MS) has emerged as a promising technology by providing multi-dimensional characterizations of metabolites. Here, we curate an ion mobility CCS atlas, namely AllCCS, and develop an integrated strategy for metabolite annotation using known or unknown chemical structures. The AllCCS atlas covers vast chemical structures with >5000 experimental CCS records and ~12 million calculated CCS values for >1.6 million small molecules. We demonstrate the high accuracy and wide applicability of AllCCS with medium relative errors of 0.5-2% for a broad spectrum of small molecules. AllCCS combined with in silico MS/MS spectra facilitates multi-dimensional match and substantially improves the accuracy and coverage of both known and unknown metabolite annotation from biological samples. Together, AllCCS is a versatile resource that enables confident metabolite annotation, revealing comprehensive chemical and metabolic insights towards biological processes.The interpretation of molecular vibrational spectroscopic signals in terms of atomic motion is essential to understand molecular mechanisms and for chemical characterization. The signals are usually assigned after harmonic normal mode analysis, even if molecular vibrations are known to be anharmonic. Here we obtain the quantum anharmonic vibrational eigenfunctions of the 11-atom protonated glycine molecule and we calculate the density distribution of its nuclei and its geometry parameters, for both the ground and the O-H stretch excited states, using our semiclassical method based on ab initio molecular dynamics trajectories. Our quantum mechanical results describe a molecule elongated and more flexible with respect to what previously thought. Ridaforolimus More importantly, our method is able to assign each spectral peak in vibrational spectroscopy by showing quantitatively how normal modes involving different functional groups cooperate to originate that spectroscopic signal. The method will possibly allow for a better rationalization of experimental spectroscopy.DNA points accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (DNA-PAINT) facilitates multiplexing in superresolution microscopy but is practically limited by slow imaging speed. To address this issue, we propose the additions of ethylene carbonate (EC) to the imaging buffer, sequence repeats to the docking strand, and a spacer between the docking strand and the affinity agent. Collectively termed DNA-PAINT-ERS (E = EC, R = Repeating sequence, and S = Spacer), these strategies can be easily integrated into current DNA-PAINT workflows for both accelerated imaging speed and improved image quality through optimized DNA hybridization kinetics and efficiency. We demonstrate the general applicability of DNA-PAINT-ERS for fast, multiplexed superresolution imaging using previously validated oligonucleotide constructs with slight modifications.Continental-scale models of malaria climate suitability typically couple well-established temperature-response models with basic estimates of vector habitat availability using rainfall as a proxy. Here we show that across continental Africa, the estimated geographic range of climatic suitability for malaria transmission is more sensitive to the precipitation threshold than the thermal response curve applied. To address this problem we use downscaled daily climate predictions from seven GCMs to run a continental-scale hydrological model for a process-based representation of mosquito breeding habitat availability. A more complex pattern of malaria suitability emerges as water is routed through drainage networks and river corridors serve as year-round transmission foci. The estimated hydro-climatically suitable area for stable malaria transmission is smaller than previous models suggest and shows only a very small increase in state-of-the-art future climate scenarios. However, bigger geographical shifts are observed than with most rainfall threshold models and the pattern of that shift is very different when using a hydrological model to estimate surface water availability for vector breeding.One long-lasting puzzle in amorphous solids is shear localization, where local plastic deformation involves cooperative particle rearrangements in small regions of a few inter-particle distances, self-organizing into shear bands and eventually leading to the material failure. Understanding the connection between the structure and dynamics of amorphous solids is essential in physics, material sciences, geotechnical and civil engineering, and geophysics. Here we show a deep connection between shear localization and the intrinsic structures of internal stresses in an isotropically jammed granular material subject to shear. Specifically, we find strong (anti)correlations between the micro shear bands and two polarized stress fields along two directions of maximal shear. By exploring the tensorial characteristics and the rotational symmetry of force network, we reveal that such profound connection is a result of symmetry breaking by shear. Finally, we provide the solid experimental evidence of long-range correlated inherent shear stress in an isotropically jammed granular system.Self-propagating drive systems are capable of causing non-Mendelian inheritance. Here, we report a drive system in yeast referred to as a chromosome drive that eliminates the target chromosome via CRISPR-Cas9, enabling the transmission of the desired chromosome. Our results show that the entire Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome can be eliminated efficiently through only one double-strand break around the centromere via CRISPR-Cas9. As a proof-of-concept experiment of this CRISPR-Cas9 chromosome drive system, the synthetic yeast chromosome X is completely eliminated, and the counterpart wild-type chromosome X harboring a green fluorescent protein gene or the components of a synthetic violacein pathway are duplicated by sexual reproduction. We also demonstrate the use of chromosome drive to preferentially transmit complex genetic traits in yeast. Chromosome drive enables entire chromosome elimination and biased inheritance on a chromosomal scale, facilitating genomic engineering and chromosome-scale genetic mapping, and extending applications of self-propagating drives.Portulaca oleracea is a C4 herb capable of performing CAM under drought stress. It is distributed worldwide and is either considered a polymorphic species or a complex of subspecies, due to its numerous morphological variations. We evaluated CAM plasticity within P. oleracea genotypes since the complexity surrounding this species may be reflected in intraspecific variations in photosynthetic behavior. Eleven subspecies of P. oleracea from distant geographical locations and one cultivar were morphologically and physiologically characterized. C4 and CAM photosynthesis were monitored in plants exposed to well-watered, droughted and rewatered treatments, and data obtained were compared among individual genotypes. All subspecies expressed CAM in a fully-reversible manner. Transcript abundance of C4-CAM signature genes was shown to be a useful indicator of the C4-CAM-C4 switches in all genotypes. C4-related genes were down-regulated and subsequently fully expressed upon drought and rewatering, respectively. CAM-marker genes followed the opposite pattern. A gradient of morphological traits and drought-induced nighttime malate accumulation was observed across genotypes. Therefore, different combinations of CAM expression levels, plant sizes and shapes are available within the P. oleracea complex, which can be a valuable tool in the context of C4/CAM photosynthesis research.Bacterial colonization of the human intestine requires firm adhesion of bacteria to insoluble substrates under hydrodynamic flow. Here we report the molecular mechanism behind an ultrastable protein complex responsible for resisting shear forces and adhering bacteria to cellulose fibers in the human gut. Using single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS), single-molecule FRET (smFRET), and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we resolve two binding modes and three unbinding reaction pathways of a mechanically ultrastable R. champanellensis (Rc) DockerinCohesin (DocCoh) complex. The complex assembles in two discrete binding modes with significantly different mechanical properties, with one breaking at ~500 pN and the other at ~200 pN at loading rates from 1-100 nN s-1. A neighboring X-module domain allosterically regulates the binding interaction and inhibits one of the low-force pathways at high loading rates, giving rise to a catch bonding mechanism that manifests under force ramp protocols. Multi-state Monte Carlo simulations show strong agreement with experimental results, validating the proposed kinetic scheme. These results explain mechanistically how gut microbes regulate cell adhesion strength at high shear stress through intricate molecular mechanisms including dual-binding modes, mechanical allostery and catch bonds.Global climate models project the intensification of marine heatwaves in coming decades due to global warming. However, the spatial resolution of these models is inadequate to resolve mesoscale processes that dominate variability in boundary current regions where societal and economic impacts of marine heatwaves are substantial. Here we compare the historical and projected changes in marine heatwaves in a 0.1° ocean model with 23 coarser-resolution climate models. Western boundary currents are the regions where the models disagree the most with observations and among themselves in simulating marine heatwaves of the past and the future. The lack of eddy-driven variability in the coarse-resolution models results in less intense marine heatwaves over the historical period and greater intensification in the coming decades. Although the projected changes agree well at the global scale, the greater spatial details around western boundary currents provided by the high-resolution model may be valuable for effective adaptation planning.The group of enteroviruses contains many important pathogens for humans, including poliovirus, coxsackievirus, rhinovirus, as well as newly emerging global health threats such as EV-A71 and EV-D68. Here, we describe an unbiased, system-wide and time-resolved analysis of the proteome and phosphoproteome of human cells infected with coxsackievirus B3. Of the ~3,200 proteins quantified throughout the time course, a large amount (~25%) shows a significant change, with the majority being downregulated. We find ~85% of the detected phosphosites to be significantly regulated, implying that most changes occur at the post-translational level. Kinase-motif analysis reveals temporal activation patterns of certain protein kinases, with several CDKs/MAPKs immediately active upon the infection, and basophilic kinases, ATM, and ATR engaging later. Through bioinformatics analysis and dedicated experiments, we identify mTORC1 signalling as a major regulation network during enterovirus infection. We demonstrate that inhibition of mTORC1 activates TFEB, which increases expression of lysosomal and autophagosomal genes, and that TFEB activation facilitates the release of virions in extracellular vesicles via secretory autophagy.