
  • Duncan McGrath posted an update 6 days, 3 hours ago

    The prevalence and significance of cardiac amyloidosis have been considerably underestimated in the past; however, the number of patients diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis has increased significantly recently due to growing awareness of the disease, improved diagnostic capabilities and demographic trends. Specific therapies that improve patient prognosis have become available for certain types of cardiac amyloidosis. Thus, the earliest possible referral of patients with suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis to an experienced center is crucial to ensure rapid diagnosis, early initiation of treatment, and structured patient care. This requires intensive collaboration across several disciplines, and between resident physicians and specialized centers. The aim of this consensus statement is to provide guidance for the rapid and efficient diagnosis and treatment of light-chain amyloidosis and transthyretin amyloidosis, which are the most common forms of cardiac amyloidosis.The current outbreak of the highly infectious COVID-19 respiratory disease is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2). To fight the pandemic, the search for promising viral drug targets has become a cross-border common goal of the international biomedical research community. Within the international Covid19-NMR consortium, scientists support drug development against SARS-CoV-2 by providing publicly available NMR data on viral proteins and RNAs. The coronavirus nucleocapsid protein (N protein) is an RNA-binding protein involved in viral transcription and replication. Its primary function is the packaging of the viral RNA genome. The highly conserved architecture of the coronavirus N protein consists of an N-terminal RNA-binding domain (NTD), followed by an intrinsically disordered Serine/Arginine (SR)-rich linker and a C-terminal dimerization domain (CTD). Besides its involvement in oligomerization, the CTD of the N protein (N-CTD) is also able to bind to nucleic acids by itself, independent of the NTD. Here, we report the near-complete NMR backbone chemical shift assignments of the SARS-CoV-2 N-CTD to provide the basis for downstream applications, in particular site-resolved drug binding studies.Mycobacterium vaccae is a soil saprophyte which exerts anti-allergic properties. There are data that mechanism of action of M. vaccae when used in the treatment of human and animal allergic diseases is associated with Th1-phenotype switch. Here we studied the properties of sonicated M. vaccae lysate in co-cultures of dendritic cells and CD4+T cells. M. vaccae lysate stimulated IL-10 synthesis in co-cultures and CD86 expression in dendritic cells, being more potent than heat-killed M. vaccae. The reported clinical data and the mechanism of action of M. vaccae lysate suggest that its use is a feasible option for the primary prevention of allergic diseases, in particular atopic dermatitis.We propose an original method of postmortem computed tomography angiography of the body of a deceased newborn. The work is based on the analysis of the results of comprehensive postmortem computed tomography and pathological examination of 30 newborns, who died from congenital malformations. The key to a full-fledged postmortem radiation study using intravascular contrasting of deceased newborns and infants is the presence of vascular catheters established during life, as well as conducting it no earlier than 12 h and no later than 48 h after death. As a contrast agent, we recommend to use an iodine-containing water-soluble radiopaque drug containing at least 250 mg of iodine per 1 ml. The volume of contrast agent is calculated based on body weight, taking into account the general edema syndrome. selleck chemicals The introduction of a contrast agent is carried out through vascular catheters in 3 stages in various positions of the body. The analysis of tomograms and 3D-reconstruction of blood vessels using their pseudocoloring allows accurate assessment of the topography of blood vessels with the possibility of separate study of the arterial and venous vessels, and to identify both congenital abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels, and their acquired pathology. CT angiography in some cases is superior to traditional autopsy in the diagnosis of blood vessel pathology. Postmortem CT angiography should be considered as an important stage of postmortem radiology in the structure of comprehensive pathological analysis of newborns and infants.This study aimed to investigate in vivo two stent technologies, with particular emphasis on thrombogenicity and inflammatory vessel remodeling processes. The micro-stents tested in this study were developed for intracranial aneurysm treatment. In our study twelve, New Zealand white rabbits were divided into two groups 18 laser-cut stents (LCS) and 18 braided stents (BS) were impanated without admiration of antiplatelet medication. Three stents were implanted into each animal in the common carotid artery, subclavian artery, and abdominal aorta. Digital subtraction angiography was performed before and after stent implantation and at follow-up for the visualization of occurring In-stent thromboembolism or stenosis. The Stents were explanted for histopathological examination at two different timepoints, after 3 and 28 days. Angiographically neither in-stent thrombosis nor stenosis for both groups was seen. There was a progressive increase in the vessel diameter, which was more pronounced for BS than for LCS. We detected a higher number of thrombi adherent to the foreign material on day 3 for BS. On day 3, the neointima was absent, whereas the complete formation observed was on day 28. There was no significant difference between both groups regarding the thickness of the neointima. The in vivo model of our study enabled the evaluation of blood and vessel reactions for two different stent technologies. Differences in vessel dimension and tissue around the stents were observed on day 28. Histological analysis on day 3 enabled the assessment of thrombotic reactions, representing an important complementary result in long-term studies.