
  • Kragh Parrott posted an update 2 weeks, 1 day ago

    The COVID-19 outbreak has drastically changed practices inside hospitals, which include oncology routines. In oncology, malnutrition was and certainly still is a frequent problem associated with an increase in treatment-related toxicity, a reduced response to cancer treatment, an impaired quality of life, and a worse overall prognosis. Even in this situation of healthcare crisis, nutritional support in cancer care is an essential element. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, there is a concrete high risk to see a dramatic worsening of cancer patients’ nutritional status, who are left without adequate clinical and nutritional support. The consequences are already reasonably foreseeable and will have a severe negative impact after the emergency. Therefore, we believe that it is essential to try to continue, as far as possible, the activity of clinical nutrition in oncology, by revolutionizing the setting and the approach to patients. For this purpose, the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Unit and the Medical Oncology Unit of our hospital, one of the largest community hospital in Lombardy that has been involved in the COVID-19 outbreak management since its inception, have reorganized the clinical routine activity in strict collaboration since the very beginning of the emergency, to better face up to the challenge, while preserving cancer patients’ needs.In measurement invariance testing, when a certain level of full invariance is not achieved, the sequential backward specification search method with the largest modification index (SBSS_LMFI) is often used to identify the source of non-invariance. SBSS_LMFI has been studied under complete data but not missing data. Focusing on Likert-type scale variables, this study examined two methods for dealing with missing data in SBSS_LMFI using Monte Carlo simulation robust full information maximum likelihood estimator (rFIML) and mean and variance adjusted weighted least squared estimator coupled with pairwise deletion (WLSMV_PD). The result suggests that WLSMV_PD could result in not only over-rejections of invariance models but also reductions of power to identify non-invariant items. In contrast, rFIML provided good control of type I error rates, although it required a larger sample size to yield sufficient power to identify non-invariant items. Recommendations based on the result were provided.Individual differences in attentional abilities provide an interesting approach in studying visual attention as well as the relation of attention to other psychometric measures. However, recent research has demonstrated that many tasks from experimental research are not suitable for individual differences research, as they fail to capture these differences reliably. Here, we provide a test for individual differences in visual attention which relies on the multiple object tracking task (MOT). This test captures individual differences reliably in 6 to 15 min. selleck chemicals llc Within the task, the participants have to maintain a set of targets (among identical distractors) across an interval of object motion. It captures the efficiency of attentional deployment. Importantly, this test was explicitly designed and tested for reliability under conditions that match those of most laboratory research (restricted sample of students, approximately n = 50). The test is free to use and runs fully under open-source software. In order to facilitate the application of the test, we have translated it into 16 common languages (Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish). The test can be downloaded at https// We hope that this MOT test supports researchers whose field of study requires capturing individual differences in visual attention reliably.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new human infectious disease. The etiology for this outbreak is a novel coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Thus far, related research on COVID-19 is still in preliminary stage. This paper summarized the latest outcomes of corresponding study from Chinese centers and clarified the hematopoietic abnormality caused by SARS-CoV-2 and potential mechanism. Lymphopenia was common in the early stage after the onset of COVID-19. A significant decrease was observed in peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. As the illness progressed, neutrophilia emerged in several cases, and patients with severe critical pulmonary conditions showed higher neutrophils than common type. Thrombocytopenia was resulting from the consumption and/or the reduced production of platelets in damaged lungs. Anemia was not observed notably, but the decrease in hemoglobin was frequent. The activation of monocyte-macrophage system aggravates the immune damage of lung and other tissues, which leads to the increase of D-dimer, prothrombin time, and platelet consumption.Usage of native plant species for traditional medicine or nutritional supplement is a popular practice among various cultures. But consumption of plants growing on polluted soil can cause serious human health hazard due to bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals. Present study deals with the ecological and human health impact of heavy metals, in six native plant species with ethnobotanical significance growing at the largest chromite mine of India. Exchangeable, oxidizable, reducible and residual fractions of the metals in plant rhizosphere were analyzed. Only 2-6% of total Cr (270-330 mg/kg) and Ni (150-190 mg/kg) at the mining site is bioavailable. Cd showed highest bioavailability (~ 60%) in mining site posing very high ecological risk (1055-5291) followed by Ni (1297-2124) and Cr (309-1105). The heavy metals in the shoot of the targeted plants were about 0.7 to 80 times higher than the standard limit as per Indian statutory body. The total hazard quotient (THQ) by the consumption of plants growing in mining region was very high (> 1) and varied from 2.6 to 5.9 in adult and 0.6-1.3 in children, while in non-mining region the THQ of same plants indicates low risk ( Tridax procumbens (2.6) through consumption pathway growing in mine soil. This study concludes that consumption of plants growing in heavy metal polluted soil should be avoided due to their potential health hazard.