
  • Randall Linde posted an update 1 day, 4 hours ago

    Overall, there is evidence of an important role of brainstem disruptions in ASD, but there is still the need to examine the brainstem across the life span, from infancy to adulthood which could lead the way for early diagnosis and possibly treatment of ASD.The anatomy of the cortical motor system and its relationship to motor repertoire in artiodactyls is for the most part unknown. We studied the origin and termination of the corticospinal tract (CST) and cortico-brainstem projections in domestic pigs. Pyramidal neurons were retrogradely labeled by injecting aminostilbamidine in the spinal segment C1. After identifying the dual origin of the porcine CST in the primary motor cortex (M1) and premotor cortex (PM), the axons descending from those regions to the spinal cord and brainstem were anterogradely labeled by unilateral injections of dextran alexa-594 in M1 and dextran alexa-488 in PM. Numerous corticospinal projections from M1 and PM were detected up to T6 spinal segment and showed a similar pattern of decussation and distribution in the white matter funiculi and the gray matter laminae. Saracatinib nmr They terminated mostly on dendrites of the lateral intermediate laminae and the internal basilar nucleus, and some innervated the ventromedial laminae, but were essentially absent in lateral laminae IX. Corticofugal axons terminated predominantly ipsilaterally in the midbrain and bilaterally in the medulla oblongata. Most corticorubral projections arose from M1, whereas the mesencephalic reticular formation, superior colliculus, lateral reticular nucleus, gigantocellular reticular nucleus, and raphe received abundant axonal contacts from both M1 and PM. Our data suggest that the porcine cortical motor system has some common features with that of primates and humans and may control posture and movement through parallel motor descending pathways. However, less cortical regions project to the spinal cord in pigs, and the CST neither seems to reach the lumbar enlargement nor to have a significant direct innervation of cervical, foreleg motoneurons.Respiration paces brain oscillations and the firing of individual neurons, revealing a profound impact of rhythmic breathing on brain activity. Intriguingly, respiration-driven entrainment of neural activity occurs in a variety of cortical areas, including those involved in higher cognitive functions such as associative neocortical regions and the hippocampus. Here we review recent findings of respiration-entrained brain activity with a particular focus on emotional cognition. We summarize studies from different brain areas involved in emotional behavior such as fear, despair, and motivation, and compile findings of respiration-driven activities across species. Furthermore, we discuss the proposed cellular and network mechanisms by which cortical circuits are entrained by respiration. The emerging synthesis from a large body of literature suggests that the impact of respiration on brain function is widespread across the brain and highly relevant for distinct cognitive functions. These intricate links between respiration and cognitive processes call for mechanistic studies of the role of rhythmic breathing as a timing signal for brain activity.We reconstructed the intrinsic axons of 32 neurons in the guinea pig inferior colliculus (IC) following juxtacellular labeling. Biocytin was injected into cells in vivo, after first analyzing physiological response properties. Based on axonal morphology there were two classes of neuron (1) laminar cells (14/32, 44%) with an intrinsic axon and flattened dendrites confined to a single fibrodendritic lamina and (2) translaminar cells (18/32, 56%) with axons that terminated in two or more laminae in the central nucleus (ICc) or the surrounding cortex. There was also one small, low-frequency cell with bushy-like dendrites that was very sensitive to interaural timing differences. The translaminar cells were subdivided into three groups of cells with (a) stellate dendrites that crossed at least two laminae (8/32, 25%); (b) flattened dendrites confined to one lamina and that had mainly en passant axonal swellings (7/32, 22%) and (c) short, flattened dendrites and axons with distinctive clusters of large terminal boutons in the ICc (3/32, 9%). These terminal clusters were similar to those of cortical basket cells. The 14 laminar cells all had sustained responses apart from one offset response. Almost half the non-basket type translaminar cells (7/15) had onset responses while the others had sustained responses. The basket cells were the only ones to have short-latency (7-9 ms), chopper responses and this distinctive temporal response should allow them to be studied in more detail in future. This is the first description of basket cells in the auditory brainstem, but more work is required to confirm their neurotransmitter and precise post-synaptic targets.Glutamate excitotoxicity triggers overactivation of CDK5 and increases calcium influx in neural cells, which promotes dendritic retraction, spine loss, increased mitochondrial calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum, and neuronal death. Our previous studies showed that CDK5 knockdown (KD) in astrocytes improves neurovascular integrity and cognitive functions and exerts neuroprotective effects. However, how CDK5-targeted astrocytes affect calcium regulation and whether this phenomenon is associated with changes in neuronal plasticity have not yet been analyzed. In this study, CDK5 KD astrocytes transplanted in CA3 remained at the injection site without proliferation, regulated calcium in the CA1 hippocampal region after excitotoxicity by glutamate in ex vivo hippocampal slices, improving synapsin and PSD95 clustering. These CDK5 KD astrocytes induced astrocyte stellation and neuroprotection after excitotoxicity induced by glutamate in vitro. Also, these effects were supported by CDK5 inhibition (CDK5i) in vitro through intracellular stabilization of calcium levels in astrocytes. Additionally, these cells in cocultures restored calcium homeostasis in neurons, redistributing calcium from somas to dendrites, accompanied by dendrite branching, higher dendritic spines and synapsin-PSD95 clustering. In summary, induction of calcium homeostasis at the CA1 hippocampal area by CDK5 KD astrocytes transplanted in the CA3 area highlights the role of astrocytes as a cell therapy target due to CDK5-KD astrocyte-mediated synaptic clustering, calcium spreading regulation between both areas, and recovery of the intracellular astrocyte-neuron calcium imbalance and plasticity impairment generated by glutamate excitotoxicity.Migraine is a common neurological disorder with few available treatment options. Recently, we have demonstrated the role of transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 4 (TRPC4) in itch and the modulation of the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), a biomarker and emerging therapeutic target for migraine. In this study, we characterized the role of TRPC4 in pain and evaluated its inhibition as anti-migraine pain therapy in preclinical mouse models. First, we found that TRPC4 is highly expressed in trigeminal ganglia and its activation not only mediates itch but also pain. Second, we demonstrated that the small-molecule inhibitor ML204, a specific TRPC4 antagonist, significantly reduced episodic and chronic migraine-like behaviors in male and female mice after injection of nitroglycerin (NTG), a well-known migraine inducer in rodents and humans. Third, we found a significant decrease in CGRP protein levels in the plasma of both male and female mice treated with ML-204, which largely prevented the development of chronic migraine-like behavior. Using sensory neuron cultures, we confirmed that activation of TRPC4 elicited release of CGRP, which was significantly diminished by ML-204. Collectively, our findings identify TRPC4 in peripheral sensory neurons as a mediator of CGRP release and NTG-evoked migraine. Since a TRPC4 antagonist is already in clinical trials, we expect that this study will rapidly lead to novel and effective clinical treatments for migraineurs.This research aimed to investigate the role of glyoxalase 1 (Glo-1) polymorphisms in the susceptibility of schizophrenia. Using the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and spectrophotometric assays technology, significant differences in Glo-1 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression (P = 3.98 × 10-5) and enzymatic activity (P = 1.40 × 10-6) were found in peripheral blood of first-onset antipsychotic-naïve patients with schizophrenia and controls. The following receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves analysis showed that Glo-1 could predict the schizophrenia risk (P = 4.75 × 10-6 in mRNA, P = 1.43 × 10-7 in enzymatic activity, respectively). To identify the genetic source of Glo-1 risk in schizophrenia, Glo-1 polymorphisms (rs1781735, rs1130534, rs4746, and rs9470916) were genotyped with SNaPshot technology in 1,069 patients with schizophrenia and 1,023 healthy individuals. Then, the impact of risk polymorphism on the promoter activity, mRNA expression, and enzymatic activity was analyzed. The of multiple levels of changes ranging from genetic variants, transcription, protein function, and brain function changes is a better predictor of schizophrenia risk.[This retracts the article DOI 10.3389/fnins.2020.00395.].As working and learning environments become open and flexible, people are also potentially surrounded by ambient noise, which causes an increase in mental workload. The present study uses electroencephalogram (EEG) and subjective measures to investigate if noise-canceling technologies can fade out external distractions and free up mental resources. Therefore, participants had to solve spoken arithmetic tasks that were read out via headphones in three sound environments a quiet environment (no noise), a noisy environment (noise), and a noisy environment but with active noise-canceling headphones (noise-canceling). Our results of brain activity partially confirm an assumed lower mental load in no noise and noise-canceling compared to noise test condition. The mean P300 activation at Cz resulted in a significant differentiation between the no noise and the other two test conditions. Subjective data indicate an improved situation for the participants when using the noise-canceling technology compared to “normal” headphones but shows no significant discrimination. The present results provide a foundation for further investigations into the relationship between noise-canceling technology and mental workload. Additionally, we give recommendations for an adaptation of the test design for future studies.The 21st century has seen dramatic changes in our understanding of the visual physio-perceptual anomalies of autism and also in the structure and development of the primate visual system. This review covers the past 20 years of research into motion perceptual/dorsal stream anomalies in autism, as well as new understanding of the development of primate vision. The convergence of this literature allows a novel developmental hypothesis to explain the physiological and perceptual differences of the broad autistic spectrum. Central to these observations is the development of motion areas MT+, the seat of the dorsal cortical stream, central area of pre-attentional processing as well as being an anchor of binocular vision for 3D action. Such development normally occurs via a transfer of thalamic drive from the inferior pulvinar → MT to the anatomically stronger but later-developing LGN → V1 → MT connection. We propose that autistic variation arises from a slowing in the normal developmental attenuation of the pulvinar → MT pathway.